Tender For repair maint of sewage pump sewage treatment plants dg sets of various capacities servicing and maint eot crane and connected miscellaneousellaneous em work repair maint of cooling appliances with connected miscellaneousellaneous items and repairs maint fire fighting pipe lines hydran
Tender For providing of operation and maintenance of effluent/sewage treatment plant - complete system; oem, oem authorised service provider (asp), annual maintenance contract for operation maintenance of etp2 as per scope of work; under annual maintenance contract and functional
Tender For providing and fixing of starter panel and 7.5 hp open well submersible pump at tth pump house and repairing of vertical feed pump i/c other electrical work at sewage treatment plant at dhaka complex, university of delhi.
Tender For interception and diversion of nallahs with stp works project of anuppur town under sbm 2.0 (tender document for interception and diversion work for tapping nallah and setup sewage treatment plantforused water management for anuppur town.)
Tender For providing of operation and maintenance of effluent/sewage treatment plant - complete system operation and maintenance based on sbr c tech technology under annual maintenance contract and functional; registered as contractor in class iv a and above by public work department or equivale..
Tender For construction of approach road for disposal of sludge generated in sewage treatment plants of bhatpara municipal area in the new dumping ground located at mouza -madrail near 10 mld, wsp stp of the bhatpara sewerage project work and bmya playground
Tender For designing,construction n commisioning of sewage treatment plant capacity-100 kld mbb reactor n tanks with electro mechanical equipments n complete civil work/piping with online monitoring system connected to on grid solar pv system (complete job)
Tender For biennial work contract for operation, maintenance and watch and ward of sewage treatment plant of colony stp cap. 0.35 mgd (1500 kld) atps mppgcl chachai
Tender For tender document for interception and diversion work for tapping nallah and setup sewage treatment plant for used water management for sheopur town