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Tender For water proofing treatment over studio roof for refurbishing civil works at akashvani bhavan, kolkata. sub-head : renovation of f.m. gents toilet at studio block for akashvani bhawan, kolkata.
Tender For this estimate consist dismantling of floor tile,water proofing for sunken slab of toilet, providing ceramic tile and wall tile,sanitary arrangement and aluminium work and all other items included in the estimate.
Tender For construction of toilet at first floor of old block and providing galvalume sheetroofing for the open stage including laying of paver block at the rear side of school building old block of ughs, chalakkara, mahe
Tender For water proofing chemical on existing control room of 66kv linch ss,66kv motap ss,66kv jotana ss under transmission division mehsana under transmission circle mehsana
Tender For repair of girls hostel (water proofing, closing of open to sky) & attending other repair works at dairy science college, mahagoan cross kalburgi (for cat-ii(a))