Tender For supply of siliconrubbercompound (ke45 rtv-r of shin-etsu or anabond 685 of anabond) colour clear confirming to spec no. ao 113, alt-a (shelf life 12 month) specn: spec no. ao 113, alt-a [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of silicone rubbercompound sealant which satisfied the specified parameters of the speci fication (1) specific gravity (g/cm3 ) at 25 degree c = (1.0-1.1). (2) hardness = (20a - 30a shore). (3) tensile strength (kg/cm2) = (15 - 25). (4) elongation = (400 percent - 800 percent). (5) specific voltag e (kv/mm) - >=20. (6) colour - red/white/translucent. (7) neutral cure sealant with non-corrosive pro perties. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]