Tender For providing of virtual machine (compute) - government community cloud (gcc); ubuntu operating system; 8; 4; 1:2; application; primary dc; 150,disaster recovery as a service (draas) - dc and dr both in the cloud,backup as a service - incremental backup; daily,managed database as a service (advance),load balancer - application load balancer; 5000,public ip - static; 3,web application firewall - 5000,distributed denial of services - upto 100; 0-10,alarm service - 501-1000
Tender For supply and installation of microsoft sql database server licenses and microsoft windows server operating system license for official use in the hpsldc govt of hp totu, shimla
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - certification of ada as9100 rev d along with establishing the iaqg oasis database management system by certification body