Tender For supply of flag banner red track over all size 200 x 69 cms of bunting cloth khadi with fold on two side s width wise for inserting handle of 2.5 cms dia and hemmed on the other side and blind on one side stitch ing should be double to is-4106/1967 with amdt no.1. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of drill accessories - table cloth with unit logo , roh patta , pilot sticks , drill sword with cover , corps flag , championship banner with ss base stand , championship banner , unit banner
Tender For supply of washing of door curtains , washing of window curtains , washing of table cloth , dry cleaning of sofa 3 seater , dry cleaning of sofa 2 seater , dry cleaning of sofa 1 seater , dry cleaning of banner , dry cleaning of carpets
Tender For supply of printing materials from icar-iiwbr - printing work newsletter hindi english as per attached specifications , annual report hindi english as per attached specifications , swarnima as per attached specifications , director report hindi english as per attached specifications , progress report hindi english as per attached specifications , technical bulletin qrt reports research bulletin extension bulletin hindi english as per attached specifications , miscellaneous success story policy paper compendium extension card hindi english as per attached specifications , folder hindi english as per attached specifications , simple office file paper size nine by twelve inches as per attached specifications , folder office file with pocket paper as per attached specifications , leather cover certificate folder paper size a four as per specification attached. , brochure for training hindi english as per specification attached , miscellaneous certificate spiral notepad sticker register spiral notepad as per specification attached , pamphlets flyers paper size a four eleven by nine inches per five hundred as per specification attached , badges with strap as per required size as per specification attached , id cards with strap as per required size as per attached specifications , poster hindi english as per required size as per attached specifications , flex banner hindi english as per attached specifications , vinyl printing and pasting bicolour multicolour printing pasting as per attached specificatons , scarf gamcha printing souvenir cloth as per attached specifications , lab manual english paper as per attached specifications -