Tender For resd/ow/958/2023-24 providing strengthing and allied repair works for existing old electrical installation ,solar water heater,pump, at hydraulic lab ,canteen and record room in premises of government polytechnic collage main building ratnagiri t
Tender For name of work :-est. no. resd/ow/958/2023-24 (subwork i to iii) providing strengthing and allied repair works for existing old electrical installation ,solar water heater,pump, at hydraulic lab ,canteen and record room in premises of government polytechnic collage main building ratnagiri tal & dist ratnagiri.
Tender For special repair to water proofing of roofs of buildings p1 p2 of cqa ofv office complex provision of solar water heater for officer mess jco mess officers md accn at troop line sqae a lpr khamaria under ge p no 1 jabalpur
Tender For repair/replacement/maintanace of summer and winter appliances such as solar water heater, geyse, ceiling fans, exhaust fan, refrigerator, water coolers, split type , window type acs and other allied works in md accn and otm accns under ge (a) jamnaga
Tender For repair maint of point wiring fixtures with fittings sub main wiring, mcb dbs, other connected works at various offrs md accn, certain units and repair maint of hot water apparatus (geyser) including solar water heater at dinjan mil stn under ge din