Tender For corrigendum : supply of e 105708 tps spares for dryfog system - 1 .72732411210 g.i. union 40 nb bophars000530 , 2 .72732411200 ms pipe 40 nb c class , 3 .31202500480 ball valve 15 nb , 4 .31202500490 ball valve 20 nb , 5 .72732002560 nozzle adopter with copper tube for dry , 6 .72732007110 nozzle for plain water spraynozzle for p , 7 .72732411260 ball valve 40 nb bophars00386 , 8 .72732411220 m.s. pipe nipple 40nbx150 bophars00638 , 9 .63706704500 ball valve 25 nb , 10 .72732001200 solenoid valve repair kit 40 nb , 11 .72732411120 air pressure regulator , 12 .72732411170 hex nipple 40 nb , 13 .72732411230 ball valve 65 nb fl ty bophars00558 , 14 .72732411240 y strainer 40 nb bophars00851 , 15 .72732251530 ms pipe 15 nb c class , 16 .72732411250 sprinkler 32 nb oth000000929
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - repairing of cabin door cabin interior dainting painting handrail fitting operator seats repair painting of full body inside and out side and glass repair of the cabin of water sprinkler slno483 working at lingara..