Tender For corrigendum : supply of library books - ensuring digital equilibrium in education- tools, techniques and practices , equality and education- with special reference to women , family, community and hearing impaired child , family, community and the hearing impaired child , foundations of educational technology, evaluation and assessment , fundamentals of hearing, hearing impairment and audiological management , fundamentals of speech and speech teaching , giftedness in action- theory and practice , guidelines for children with special educational needs , handbook of gifted education- theories and practices , handbook of learning disability , handbook of reading and learning disability , handbook of special education and special educational needs -sen , handbook of teaching and learning , hearing impairment and audiological management , hearing impairment and deafness- symptoms, types and prevention strategies , higher education in india- challenges and possibilities , how to deal and teach children with special needs , human growth and development , inclusion and teacher training , inclusion- issues and perspectives , inclusive education , inclusive education for special children , inclusive education- planning and management of curriculum , indian provisions regarding special children and disabled persons , instructional technology-ways to improve teaching methods , intervention and teaching strategies , introduction of adolescence education in school curriculum , introduction to disability- basic concepts and issues , introduction to education of deaf and hard of hearing children , introduction to hearing impairment , introduction to locomotor and multiple disabilities , introduction to neurodevelopmental disabilities , introduction to sensory disabilities , introduction to speech and speech teaching , language across the curriculum- approaches, processes and skills , language and communication , language and communication for hearing impairment , learning teachers - diversity, inclusion , ethics , learning, teaching and assessment , madrasa education in india , new frontiers in education , planning and management of special and inclusive education , principles of guidance and counselling , psycho-social and family issues , sourcebook of national education policy 2020- , a comprehensive overviewspecial and inclusive school education- development and promotion , special education- a practical approach for teachers , action research and grounded theory- evidence-based practices in education , administration and reorganisation of teacher education , adulthood, family and community needs , assessment and teaching methods for children with asd , a s d and associated conditions , autism spectrum disorders- nature, needs and etiology , characteristics of children with developmental disabilities , child development and learning , clinical psychology- basic and advanced aspects , contemporary india and education , contemporary india and education , curricular strategies and adaptations for children with hearing impairment , curriculum and educational programme , teaching-learning material -tlm , development of value education curriculum -vec for children with intellectual disability -cwid , dictionary of information communication technology -ict , dictionary of special education , disability and special needs- dimensions and perspectives , disability development in india , distance education and open learning- planning and management , dyslexia and other learning disabilities- diagnosis and treatment , early childhood care and education- principles and practices , education in the emerging indian society and school administration , education of the gifted and talented children , educational guidance- concepts, elements and dimensions , educational psychology , elements and components of educational psychology , elementary education- experiences and expectations , a comprehensive blueprint for child labour rehabilitation , foundations
Tender For corrigendum : supply of library books - adaptation of children with mental retardation , curriculum and educational programme , development of education system in india , development of independent living skills andteaching-learning material -tlm , dictionary of information communication technology -ict , dictionary of special education , disability and special needs- dimensions and perspectives , disability development in india , disability- family and community , diversity in teacher education- a global perspective , dyslexia and other learning disabilities-diagnosis and treatment , early childhood care and education- principles and practices , early childhood special education- an introduction , educating children with learning disabilities , education and human development , education and society- concepts, perspectives and suppositions , education for the 21st century in resurgent india , education in emerging indian society , education in the emerging indian society , education in the emerging indian societyand school administration , education of children with special needs , education of exceptional children- challenges and strategies , education of the gifted and talented children , educational guidance- identifying major avenues and arena , educational psychology shikha , educational psychology and child development , educational technology and management yogendra k. sharma , elementary educational technology and management , elements and components of educational psychology , emerging trends in teaching of physics , encyclopedia of education , entrepreneurial training- theory and practice exploited children- , a comprehensive blueprint for child labour rehabilitation , foundations of inclusive education , fundamentals of mental health education , futurology of education- the indian context , gender, school and society- concepts, issues and options , gender, school and society- theories and practices , global outlook on education guidebook on educational psychology theory , for d.ed.se -mr, d.ed.se-vi d.ed.se-deaf,hard of hearing , handbook for teaching physical sciences- methods and techniques , handbook of intellectual and developmental disabilities , handbook of reading and learning disability , handbook of rights of persons with disabilities act 2016 -a brief description of 21 disabilities , handbook of special education , handbook of yoga education and training , how pupils learn - theory, research and practice , human development and learning- a teachers handbook , human development and psychology , humanizing the education of differently abled children- , problems and prospectsinclusion for learning , inclusive and integrated approaches to special education , inclusive education for children with disabilities , inclusive education in india- an overview , inclusive education- special educational needs -sen of learners , independent living and sustainable development of pwids , instructional learning strategies and cognitive entry behaviour- p.k. sudheesh kumar , an experimental analysis , integrated and inclusive education , intellectual and developmental disabilities-a brief description , international conference on human resource development in the area of disability rehabilitation , introduction to disabilities , introduction to disability and disorder management , introduction to multiple and locomotor disability , introduction to neuro developmental disabilities , introduction to therapeutics , issues and concerns in elementary education , issues of information communication technology -ict in education , jigsaw bid details/ 2 / 130 process in education- the way for joyful self learning , knowledge and curriculum- processes, forms and determinants , learning disability- , learning resources and assessment of learning- systems and approaches , learning teachers - diversity, inclusion , ethics , major trends in inclusive education- an overview , managing childhood problems- support strategies and interventio
Tender For supply of botany lab equipments - procurement of botany lab equipment, modular laboratory workstation (with sink, switches) specification steel/ iron made, total size 500sq feet, real time electrophoresis system, with power supply specificationvertical slab gel system polyacrylamide gel, craft s micro imaging system specificationimported camera eyepiece with computer or laptop connectivity with usb port, entomological dissecting microscope specificationlens 83 mm dia. eye-pieces 10x and 20x, donna- pattal making machine specificationfully automatic double die crank machine, raw material banana leaf, palash leaf, etc, 220v, 1hp motor, mild steel , imported e-learn interactive white boards specification75 inches 4k uhd touch screen led tv ultratouch display interactive flat panel monitor(3840 x 2160 pixels) , horizontal laminar flow specification4 2 2 (stainless steel body) 90 lt./per hepais 90 + 20 fpm noise level in very low, working fluorescent light, pcr teaching kit specificationtest efficient and easy to use, colony counter specification4 digit, microlit micropipette specificationmultichannel 8 channel fully auto removable, dahl digestion unit specificatonaluminium heating block and fumes extraction system, digestion of plant, soil sludge, food grams, processing 100 ml tubes, leaf area meter specificationfully automatic, portable water/soil kit specificationph mv conductivity, tds salinity, turbidity, d.o. and temp., magnetic stirrer with hot plate specification2 liters capacity, water bath rectangular specification16" 12" 4" 12 holes of 3" diameter, seed germinator specificationsingle chamber, suitable for conducting experiments on variety of seeds under different conditions of temp. and humidity. inner size 555 910 605 mm s.s. interior having 6 nos. adjustable shelves. tabular heaters are fitted. windowed front glass door outer inner full view acrylic door enabling to keep temp. and humidity level un-interrupted. full feature digital temp. controller cum indicator with voltmeter stainless steel with 14 trays., tissue culture rack specificationfitted with switches and 0-24 hrs. timer made of mild steel duly painted. rack size 48 21 (depth) is covered with thick ubreakableplexi-glass. each rack fitted with 4 fluorescent tubes and four bulbs. it is a unit with four shelf. each shelf with one u.v. tube for sterilization purpose., electronic balances digital specificationkea-210 200 gm 0.001 gm (1 mg) 80 mm , laboratory bod incubator specification12 cu.ft. 900 650 550mm s.s inner capacity 340 liter, fully automatic fume hood specification1500x750x2100mm, universal phase contrast cum dark field/bright field binocular research microscope specificationequipped with double slidder unit and condenser system which enables bright field, dark ground and phase contrast observation by a simple change over procedure. this microscope is designed latest phase techniques for most convenient observation of all colourless and transparent specimens and living bacteria etc. wihout staining. provides excellent contrast and a perfect flat image. coarse motion with universal locking device and highly sensitive fine focusing reading to 0.002 mm. supplied with imported slider phase contrast cum dark field equipment having phase annuls with abbe condenser and set of phase plates and provision for accurate centering. supplied with din standard optics, fluorescence microscope (imported-flurex) specificationepi-fluorescence arm with butyl in two/four (option) filters (uv, v, b, g) dichoric mirror and barrier filters. wf 10x/fov 20 mm (paired). objective plain achromatic objective 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. fluorescence objective 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. standard interference filters 1. b excitation (400-490 nm); 2. g excitation (510-550 nm). optional 1. uv excitation (300-400 nm); 2. v excitation (395-415 nm). transmitted tungsten halogen lamp. fluorescent sources 100 w mercury lamp. complete with instruction manual
Tender For purchase of teaching learning material - attendance book, roll of black board, red ball pens, note book 160 pages, chalk box, duster, eraser, pencil, blue ball pens, sharpner
Tender For providing of printing work , photocopy work , painting , labour for building repairing , welding work, computer and printing purchase % repairing , furniture repairing , electronic items , cctv supply or repairing , lab equipment , stationery , cleaning material , ro plant supply or repairing , trophy , medals , musical instruments, sound system , speaker and mic , teaching aid , tenty , catering , books , lighting arrengements , etc.