Tender For hyderabad division: 1. secunderabad -dhone section (up, dn & sl): complete track renewal - ctr (secondary) for a length of 15.838 tkms and through rail renewal (secondary) - 2.542 tkms on yard lines2. sc-dhne section: chord line: through sleeper renewal(p) for a length of 0.73 kms between stpd 'a' and stpd 'b' cabins.
Tender For through sleeper renewal (primary) of existing psc sleepers with new wide based psc sleepers for a length of 21.174 tr. km. between malligura and kirandul stations (dn. & sl) on kk-ii line of waltair division.
Tender For bhopal division: through sleeper renewal tsr (p) total 97.24 kms by contractual pqrs machine and other associated works between bina (bin)-itarsi(et) and maksi(mkc)- bhopal(bpl) section under the jurisdiction of sr.den/central/bhopal.
Tender For loading, leading, unloading and stacking of p.way materials psc line sleeper, t/out sleepers, tws, cms, sej, glued joints or switch, rails etc from different track depots/plants of northern and other railways to track depot cbj and various site of work over mb division in the section of sse/td/cbj under den/track/mb. estimate no. (268/2023 rrsk, 238/2024 rrsk & 220/2024 rrsk)
Tender For group work: - track related work under the aden-junagadh section against the sanctioned work of 1.) jetalsar- shapur section: - improvement to the yards at 3 nos. of locations. 2.) junagadh - somnath section: - improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations. 2.) junagadh - somnath section: - improvement to the yards at 6 nos. of locations. 3.) aden-junagadh sub division; providing and replacing level crossing sleepers and check rails on jetalsar - somnath section. 4) aden-junagadh sub division: providing slack gauge sleeper in curve of more than 4 degree on jetalsar-somnath section. 5 ). jetalsar - somnath (bg) section: -through turnout renewal - switch renewal 52 kg 1 in 12 and 1 in 8.5. psc sleeper fan shaped layout (36 nos) 6.) aden-junagadh sub division: - 52kg improved sej and wooden blocks for supporting welds & as distance blocks.
Tender For elect (trd-ohe) works in connection with through sleeper renewal (primary) tsr(p), complete track renewal secondary ctr(s), through rail renewal primary trr(p), through rail renewal secondary trr(s), complete track renewal primary ctr (p) in different sections in ckp division.
Tender For vadodara division :- through sleeper renewal tsr (p) 65.000 tkms with contractor's own pqrs portal & other associated track renewal works under the jurisdictions of sr. den east & den north brc.
Tender For balance work for supply, stacking and spreading of stone ballast, linking of permanent way including transportation of p.way materials like rail, sleeper, fittings, earth work in embankment, compaction, blanketing, turfing, construction of rub , minor bridges, major bridges, and others associated works for construction of 3rd line (km 673.500 to km 677.280) between ddu to allahabad under jurisdiction of dy. ce/c/dos.