Tender For corrigendum : supply of kit of (a)gas cutting nozzel to be used in gas cutting torch : (i) nm-250 size 1/16inch & 3/64 inch, qty- 02 no (ii) cutogen -5(gas cutting) size 1/16 inch & 3/64 inch, qty- 01 no and (b) nozzle cleaner- 13 strip, qty- 01 no specn: specification type : nm-250 (gas cutting) and cutogen- 5( (gas cu tting) size : 1/16 inch & 3/64 inch recommended brand : esab /messer /harris/victor nozzle cleaner- 1 3 strip recommended brand : esab /messer /harris/victor [ warranty period: 30 months after the dat e of delivery ]
Tender For repairing of both side 54 numbers hole of boss sprocket and repairing of damaged front and rear belly guard by gas cutting of plates straightening by gas heating and hammering cracked portion v groove cutting and welding in beml d155 dozer 13452
Tender For (a) repairing of both side 54 numbers hole of boss sprocket of d155 dozer sl. no.- 13452.(b) repairing of damaged front and rear belly guard by gas cutting of plates, straightening by gas heating and hammering, cracked portion v groove cutting and welding by steel rod, support plate cutting and welding at cracked portion and broken stud out by steel rod welding of brace assembly of dozer sl. no. 13452.
Tender For miscellaneous jobs related to e&m department: 1. pump motor with bed plate lifting from bp top section to bp bottom section & placing & fitting at b/p bottom section, b/l incline,2. tugger motor bed plate fabrication, 150hp pump-motor bed-plate fabrication, pump-motor transportationfrom b/l incline to domestic water supply pumping station, 3. pump-motor bed-plate re-fabrication by channel cutting &complete welding with gas & electrode at b/ l incline, 4. bedplate re-fabrication & 4inch ms pipe dismantling, loading ont/truck & unloading at b/ l incline, 5. track rollers dismantling, opening, roller changing of udm 611-150.