Tender For work of providing and laying 400mm dia doubl corrugated hdpe pipe line for conveyance of rain water from prestige apartment, ittamadu and surrounding appartments to hoskerehalli lake coming under hoskerehalli service station of aee sw4 sub division
Tender For corrigendum : deposit-parappukkara grama panchayath - nagarasanjaya padhathi -pipe laying work - hdpe pipe line crossing the water bodies at ward 4 -pipeline work
Tender For jal jeevan mission wss to ongallur pt -pipe line railway crossing work at chenganamkunnu near rw pump house for laying 400mm row water pm with 600mm ms casing
Tender For special repair of roads ndmc area in r-iii division during 2024-25. sh- providing and laying hdpe pipe line of dia 250mm for discharge of stormwater and sump pit and allied works at pump room africa avenue
Tender For restoration of damaged road due to laying of distribution pipe line of goswami malipara piped water supply scheme under chinsurah sub-division of hooghly division p.he dte.
Tender For replacement of damaged pipe line by laying of hdpe pipeline and shifting house connection from existing main to new main at badinan piped water supply scheme of chinsurah sub-division under hooghly division, phe dte.
Tender For laying pipe line from c.w.r. - 2 to o.h.r. point of augmentation of ground water based at gosaba (zone-ii) w/s scheme, block-gosaba under canning sub-division of alipore division, p.h.e. dte.
Tender For repairing leakages, water pipe line laying and othermaintenance related work for different dia. waterpipe lines at area between s.g.highway to s.p.ringroad and other area in bodakdev ward of north westzone.(arc)
Tender For labour work for laying water pipe line, repairing leakages, modified connation and other civil work at shekh hirjipole, golvad, sodagar pole, navi maholat, surgara pole and diff. places in khadia ward
Tender For labour work of laying the d.i. water pipe line by m.p./ m.l.a./ councillor and other budget in gamtal area of chandlodia ward and gota ward of north west zone. (arc tender)