Tender For supply, erection, commissioning and testing of 1no. x 20hp submersible non - clog sewage water pump sets and panel board with all accessories etc. at janda chettu center drain in circle-1area.
Tender For supplying installation testing and commissioning of sewage submersiblepump and accessories near dhaula kuan underpass sump under pwd emd south west new delhi
Tender For supply of polyethylene pipes for water supply,steel pipes for water and sewage as per is 3589,steel tubes, tubulars and other steel fittings as per is 1239 (part 2 - steel pipe fittings),steel tubes, tubulars and other steel fittings as per is 1239 (part 2 - steel pipe fittings),submersiblepump starters (motor starter controls),steel tubes, tubulars and other steel fittings as per is 1239 (part 2 - steel pipe fittings)
Tender For design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of mechanical equipment at bhobha mps 1-, submersible sewage non-clog vertical pump, , ms pipe :-, , lowering, laying, jointing & welding in position to correct line & level m.s. pipe with outer gunniting & inside lining/epoxy painting on pedestal or chairs upon prepared formation or prepared bedding in trenches the rates include conveyance from store to site of work loading, unloading, joint plastering, hydrotesting etc.complete, , sluicevalve, , refluxvalve, , lowering,layingandjointinginpositionfollowingc.i/d.frefluxvalves,butterflyvalves,sluicevalvesandairvalveincludingcostoflabour,jointing,material,includingnutboltsandgivingsatisfoctoryhydraulicstesting etc complete:- for sluive valve & nrv, , expansionbellows, , pressureguage, , ultrasonic type level transmitter with integral display, , sitcoflvmccpaneltotallyenclosed,dust&berminproof,indoortype,minimumdegreeofprotection-ip52asperis:2147,operationon3-phase,4wire,415v,50hz,neutraleffectivelygrounded,withinstrumentationcompartmentsaccomodatingledtypeindicatinglamps,controlcontactorsasperis:13947,ctofaccuracyclass-iasperis:2705,relays,meters&controlmcbs,airinsulatedelectroliticgradealuminumbusbarforthreephase&neutralsystemwithincommingbreaker-microprocessorbasedaircircuitbreakers(electricallyoperateddrawouttype)/airbreakfixedtypemccbwithtripfreemechanism,currentlimitingtypeasperis:8828,motorcontractor(aspertype-2coordination),overloadrelaywithbuilt-insinglephasingpreventionfeature&auxiliaryfeedersasperslddrawings,momentarycontacttypepushbuttons,equipmentfittings,busbars,cableboxes,cablegland,incoming&ougoingcableconnectionfor1100vgrade,aluminium/copperconductorxlpe/pvcinsulated&pvcsheathedarmouredcable,10%spareterminals,powerwiringusing1100vgrade,frlsinsulatedcopperconductorwiresconformingtois:694&8130,cablecompartments/alleysofminimum300mmsize,gi/alearthbusbarforentirelength.mccshallbefabricatedfromcoldrolled,coledannealed(crca)sheetsteel&minimumthicknessofvariousmembersshallbeasfollows:baseframe/channel/glandplate:3mm,loadbearingmembers/doors:2mmandinternalpartitions: 1.6 mm. microprocessor based soft starter with built-in by pass contactor,semiconductorfuses,harmonicfilters,castresintypect,digitalmfm,analogueammeter&minimum10channeltemperaturescanner with rs 485 communication port - 75 kw, ,
Tender For providing and fixing of starter panel and 7.5 hp open well submersiblepump at tth pump house and repairing of vertical feed pump i/c other electrical work at sewage treatment plant at dhaka complex, university of delhi.
Tender For restoring the old sewage pump and supply of new non clog sewage submersiblepump with all accessories and servicing of organic waste converter in 606 tngrhsflats at anwe, thirumangalam.
Tender For general fund 2025-26 supply and installation of submersible sewage pump motor errection and lighting arrangements for fstp site in cumbum municipality.
Tender For goods and services for supply of sewerage operation and maintenance equipment in haridwar and rishikesh in uttarakhand under package 10 e - portable cctv sewer inspection equipment supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item, which shall comply with the requirements and technical specifications of the contract, for delivery to the final destination. the rate for the supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item shall cover all of the costs for the following:(a) supply of goods: portable cctv sewer inspection equipment: snake inspection camera kit that uses a ccd (charged-coupled device) color camera display. the camera shall be provided with a dvr recorder. the kit shall be supplied complete with camera & dvr recorder, all carried within a water-proof carrying case that has built-in of separate monitor for operating the camera and viewing the cameras images, along with camera cable of min. lenght 20 m, rechargeable battery and charger; and(b) related services: inspections and tests, user s manuals and initial user training, after delivery to final destination. performance tests shall be carried out by the supplier for each unit at the final point of delivery. users manuals and initial user training shall be provided by the supplier for each unit at the final point of delivery., submersible drainage pump (single phase, 2 hp)supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item, which shall comply with the requirements and technical specifications of the contract, for delivery to the final destination. the rate for the supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item shall cover all of the costs for the following:(a) supply of goods: submersible drainage pump (single phase, 2 hp): single stage, submersiblecentrifugalpump for dewatering purpose, including open pit dewatering and ground water removal; and(b) related services: inspections and tests, user s manuals and initial user training, after delivery to final destination. performance tests shall be carried out by the supplier for each unit at the final point of delivery. users manuals and initial user training shall be provided by the supplier for each unit at the final point of delivery., submersible slurry pump (single phase, 3 hp) supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item, which shall comply with the requirements and technical specifications of the contract, for delivery to the final destination. the rate for the supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item shall cover all of the costs for the following:(a) supply of goods: submersible slurry pump (single phase, 3 hp): single stage, single stage, submersiblecentrifugalpump for pumping sludge and water mixed with solids from excavation dewatering, open pit dewatering and sewer manhole; and(b) related services: inspections and tests, user s manuals and initial user training, after delivery to final destination. performance tests shall be carried out by the supplier for each unit at the final point of delivery. users manuals and initial user training shall be provided by the supplier for each unit at the final point of delivery., rodding machine for sewer cleaning (diesel powered) supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item, which shall comply with the requirements and technical specifications of the contract, for delivery to the final destination. the rate for the supply of goods and related services for each unit of this item shall cover all of the costs for the following:(a) supply of goods: rodding machine for sewer cleaning (diesel powered): portable diesel engine driven motorised machine for cleaning straight line work in sewer mains. trolly mounted cabling cum rodding machine on large wheels for optimal transport. the machine shall be capable of rotating sectional steel rods to clean and remove obstruction from sewer lines. rods shall have a quick coupler for connecting or disconnecting. th