Tender For supply of set of single duct leather bellows with top and bottom plates as per rdsos modification sheet no. rdso/2019/el/ms/0476 (rev'0') dtd.22.01.2019, one set consists of 5 items 24 nos. as below:- 1. single duct leather bellow type-i as per clws drg.no. 1209-01.01 8-029 qty=02 nos. 2. single duct leather bellow typeii as per clws drg. no. 1209-01.018-029. qty=4 nos. 3. modified plate flange-traction motor inlet for leather bellow as per clws drg. no. 1209.01.418-026. alt-1 qty=06 nos. 4. modified bellow bottom plate for tm side as per clws drg. no. 1209-01.418-032 qty=06 nos. & 5. modified bellow top plate for body side as per clws drg. no. 1209-01.418-031 alt-1 qty=06 nos. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]