Tender For supply, delivery, erection and commissioning of 7.5 hp open well submersible pump set, starter panel boards, power cable, ms pipes, flanges and other accessories for tanker filling point at asif nagar filling station under electrical and mechanical section, eam cell-iv operation and maintenance division-iii
Tender For supply of set of harness, cable management system and accessories for lhb eog gs co aches as per the following drawings. icf specification icf/elec/968 shall be followed for preparation an d supply of this cable harness. 1) harness of under frame arrangement to (a) cable harness to drg no. lgs/ay/bw 70002 alt-b-1 set (b) cable management system and accessories to drg no. lgs/eog 710 01 col-ii altf -1 set 2) harness of roof arrangement to (a) cable harness to drg no. lgs/eog 70005 al t-d and lgs/eog 70008 alt-a-1 set in assembled condition. (b) cable management system and access ories to drg no. lgs/eog 76001 col-ii altj - 1 set and drg no. ls/ay/bw 74001 col-iv alt-c -1 set not e: packing instruction: pi141 ver-3.0 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of one coach set of partition frames for emu2/tc/ac, tc2, tc3, tc4, tc5 (medha) coaches to drg.nos (806). 1. 79110005, alt 'c' - 8 nos, 2. (806)emu2/tc/ac-1-0-004, alt 'c' - 2 no s, 3. (601)emu/c/ac-1-0-004, col.iv, alt 'b'- 2 nos, 4. 79110022, alt 'a' - 2 nos, 5. (601)emu/c/ac-1 -0-004, col.v, alt 'b' - 2 nos. all above items make one set. special condition : packing drawin g icf/j&t/sk-1865. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of safety slings for push-pull rod of 3-phase locomotives. each set consists of 05 ite ms as follows: - (i) safety sling (wire rope) as per els/tata's drg. no.- tata/rs/misc/36/7= 01 no. (ii) safety sling (wire rope) as per els/tata's drg. no.- tata/rs/misc/1141 (alt.-1)= 01 no. (iii)thimble= 04 nos. (iv) mounting pin with chain= 04 nos. (v) spring pin= 04 nos [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of solson tool set (01 set consist 09 items)- (i) sp-622/ad1ssf as per drg no. ne rly sk no. 1458/c-01 nos(ii)sp-1541/ad2bsf as per drg.no. ne rly sk no. 1459/c-01 nos(iii) pkmnbs/ad3hk as per dr g no. e. rly sk no. kkk.misc.03/04- 01nos(iv)pw2060 /ad6bpsf as per drg no. ne rly sk no. 1460/c- 01 no s(v) pw1030/ad75psf as per drg no. ne rly sk no. 1461/c- 01 no(vi) mwrd 10/ad8rdw as per drg no. e. rly sk no. kkk.misc08/04- 01 no (vii) mwa1-a2/ad9mab as per drg. no. e. rly sk no. kkk.misc. 09/04- 01 n o.(viii) rwmn12/ad10mmsf as per drg no.ne rly sk no. 1462/c- 01 no.(ix) rwsae12/ad11sesf as per drg no. ne rly sk no. 1463/c- 01 no. or its equivalent. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deliver y ]
Tender For supply of set of flower washer, keys, check nut for mvsl as per drg. no. elkp/sk-41. rev-0. each set c onsist the following items: (i) flower washer (item no.1) 20 nos., (ii) key (item no.2) 05 nos., (iii) check nut for mvsi & mvsl (item no.3) 10 nos., (iv) check nut for mvsi & mvsl (item no.4) 10 nos. left handed threa d. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of key bolt with nut, spring washer & 4 mm dia. split pin to rdso drg.no.wd-92058-s-04, alt.11 or latest, item no.4. one set consi st of (i). square bolt m20 x 80 mm long to is:2585-2006 , property class 4.8 - 1 no./set, (ii).spring washer to is:3063-1994, amnd.no.1 of jan.20 10,type-"b" - 1 no./set, (iii).split pin dia. 4 x 30 long to is:549-2005/iso 1234:1997 - 1no./set, (iv).hexagon nut m 20, property class-5 to is:1363-2 002, part 3/iso:4034:1999 - 1 no./set . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufcturing and supply of complete set of inspection gauges as per rdso drg, no t-6215(p art)for10125mm over ridingfan shaped curved switch b.g for 60 kg(uic)/60el on psc sleeper to rdso drg no. rt-4219 .one set consist of( i)y at point ?r? (ats) gauge no.1(ii)under cutting of tongue rail foot at(a ts)- gauge no.2(iii)13mm head thickness (at 1682mm fromats) -gauge no.3(iv)12r toe radius at (ats) - gauge no 6(v)tongue rail head thikness (at 4244mm from ats) -gauge no.35 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]