Tender For replacement of existing damaged, deteriorated and age old a.c sheet by galvalume sheet of existing 11kv mcvcb switch gear shelter with necessary additions,modifications, alterations to existing strutural steel truss work along with electrification work and jelly spreading to outdoor switch yard area of earth mat extension portion, repairs to oil sump tank to arrest the water seepage and other allied works at 66/11 kv sub-station, yadamadu in harohalli taluk, ramanagara district (reserved for st category)
Tender For dismantling of conveyor gallery/ steel build up section/ truss at kargali washery for providing hindrance free site for rail line laying work by iprcl in vicinity of kargali siding pf ii and with dismantling of lights from the structure and erection
Tender For existing stair portion extension and roof concreting, additional room construction in first floor with roof concreting, truss work, false ceiling work, aluminium work, tile work, finishing work.
Tender For general-providing truss roof and maintenance to the pwd roads subdivision and building section office, neyyattinkara.- electrical works-providing ei-general electrical work
Tender For this estimate is prepared as per the requirement of fire station officials. in this estimate steel stair at rear side of the building, truss work with sheet roofing, interlock for some damp areas and soakpit are provided.
Tender For general construction of roof truss over terrace floor of thondy room of district court in mini civil station compound pathanamthitta workgeneral civil work