Tender For special repair to 11 kv ht line rmu substation inter connection apfc panel standby ht cable and special repair to indoor 33 kv/11kv vcbs rmus four pole structure and two pole structure under ge mcte mhow
Tender For corrigendum : repair, maintenance of transformer, ht vcb, pmu, ht panel, ht ug cable and other connected works for different sub stations at af stn madh island under ge af thane
Tender For repair maint of ht distribution system servicing of ht breakers vcb rmus and transformers including maintenance of e m installation at range hills area and repair and maintenance of apfc panel ht external electric supply distribution system incl
Tender For pre monsoon maintenance repair work of switchgear transformer vcb ht relay acb mccb lt starter and control panel including allied works at 2nd additional uttarbhag pumping station under mdmd ps baruipur block baruipur in the district of south 24 pgs
Tender For pre monsoon maintenance repair work of switchgear, ht relay acb mccb lt starter and control panel including allied works at additional uttarbhag pumping station under mdmd ps baruipur block canning all in the district of south 24 pgs during the year
Tender For pre monsoon maintenance repair work of switch gear transformer vcb ht relay acb mccb lt starter and control panel including allied works of vt pumps at kurebhanga pumping stations under mdmd ps canning block canning all in the district of south
Tender For pre monsoon maintenance repair work of electrical installations such as switchgear transformer vcb ht relay acb, mccb lt starter and control panel including allied works of vt pumps and routine maintenance of 33kv substaion at bagjola pumping under
Tender For premonsoon maintenance and repair of electrical installations such as switchgear transformer, vcb ht relay acb mccb lt starter and control panel including allied works of 3rdacps cps acps and 2nd acps under mdmd at paschim chowbhaga ps
Tender For supply of service 11 kv ht panel , sf new mineral oil for panel etc , service mv panel , repair em interlock , calibration relay etc , sf silicagel , sf 32a hrc fuselink , sf 63a hrc fuselink , sf 125a hrc fuselink , sf 250a hrc fuselink , repair apfc panel , sitc 5kvar app capacitor