Tender For tender for properly checking of schemes and major & minor heads of accounts and preparation of monthly accounts in tally erp-9. , checking of pay-bill register and preparing of monthly pf work of south-ii division. , preparation of annual action plan and annual budget of south-ii division. , making epf/gi/rti etc for south-ii division. , generate monthly epfo challan and follow up regularly and kyc and claim settlement and registration or allot/activate of new uan no. etc. , preparation and reconciliation of rubber accounts of south-ii division. , checking properly all online activities like tfdpc inventory management system. , preparation and checking of incentive of all workers of south-ii division. , all computer related work and maintenance of south-ii division. , preparation and checking of manday's statement and other document related to monthly accounts. , properly checking and preparation of gst inward and outward statement of south-ii division. , preparation of various proposals for sending hq for sanction or approval. , work related to preparing various statement & data base as and when required. , providing data as per requirement of computer during compilation of annual accounts. , any other work assigned by the authority of south-ii division.