Tender For supply of multipurpose digital wheel wear gauge for bg locos, it should be reflect state of-the-art in microcontroller based measurement and capable to measuring wheel wear parameters with a resolution of 0.1mm. the gauge should incorporates an oled display for easy viewing in pits and built memory for 50 readings. the gauge should be functionally similar to its mechanical counterpart as per rdso drg. no. skdl-3592 and supplied in pvc box with battery charger. minimum requirements/ specification of item - (1) parameters measured digitally: flange wear, root wear, tread wear, (2) parameters measured mechanically: wheel diameter, flat tyre, (3) least count of digital parameters: 0.1 mm, (4) accuracy of digital parameters: +/- 0.1 mm, (5) measurement range of flange, tread and root wear: 0 to 10 mm, (6) display: oled, (7) battery: rechargeable type, (8) construction of gauge: stainless steel and aluminum, (9) weight of gauge: less than 1.5 kg. make- pie model no. wwg-1(d) or similar. test and calibration (nabl /registered govt organization) certificate of oem should be supplied at the time of delivery of material.
Tender For supply of digital wheel diameter measuring gauge (directly displayed on lcd display). detailed specif ication as per annexure-a attached. make: pie, model:wd-3 (e) or equivalent. [ warranty period: 30 mont hs after the date of delivery ]
Tender For to supply , testing & commissioning of digital wheel diameter gauge as per drawing skdl-44 77 detail specification as per annexure attached. make-wd-1(d) of pie or its equivalent [ warranty perio d: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For digital wheel diameter gauge for b.g. of compact design to measure wheel diameter of mos t types of mounted (in-situ condition) or un-mounted wheels of carriages. range- 800 mm to 1140 mm, leas t count 0.1 mm, measuring accuracy: plus/minus 0.5 mm, recording readings: - optical facility, display- b uilt in led, power supply:- in built rechargeable battery, with storing box with carrying handle and battery charger, make- pie, jyothi enterprises or riftek or abs or similar. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of digital wheel diameter measuring gauge having specification as per attached annexur e-a. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply and demonstration of digital wheel diameter gauge model wd-2(e) or eq uivalent with digital display measuring range- 600 mm to 1200 mm for bg wheels, least coun t-0.1 mm, measuring accuracy to +/- 0.3 mm, display- built in led, weight- approx 750 gms, pow er supply- inbuilt rechargeable battery. features: wheel diameter gauge with digital displa y for measurement of wheel diameter in both mounted (in-situ) and un-mounted wheels of ic f, lhb & locos. the measurement of the diameter is performed according to the three points technique, without the complete wheel coverage. the gauge contains numeric display to sh ow the value of the wheel diameter. the gauge gives direct diameter reading on digital disp lay. the gauge should be supplied with calibration certificate. [ warranty period: 30 months a fter the date of delivery ]