Tender For corrigendum : supply, erection and commissioning of the online continuous effluent monitoring system at sewage treatment plants at vadolgaon and chikloli for ambernath municipal council
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of online water level monitoring system of surge shaft and tail race channel at vyasi powerhouse hathiyari
Tender For corrigendum : ktps v vi stages civil environment annual maintenance contract for online pollution monitoring stations and pcb connectivity software along with cpcb server connectivity software subscription charges in ktps v vi stages from dt.01.04.2025 to dt.31.03.2026
Tender For supply and installation of online water quality monitoring system in mine discharge water at jvr oc, kgm area and cmc for a period of 3 years after warranty period
Tender For supply installation testing commissioning of online water quality monitoring system with ultra sonic flow meter ocems at stp 4mld machhiwara with maintenance and one year warranty
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of online water level monitoring system of surge shaft and tail race channel at vyasi powerhouse hathiyari
Tender For b*2)-operation & maintenance of 21 mld cetp (ph.-ii) in sector-29 p-ii, u/e, panipat operation and maintenance of cetp with maximum discharge 21 mld (approximately) with tertiary treatment, all civil works, e&m installations, dual media filters with online scada with plc, centrifuge, online monitoring system, switch yards, valves, gensets, transformer etc. and all other works contingent thereto. for 18 months (1 year).
Tender For up-gradation of out-dated existing online monitoring device system by replacing with new up-dated online monitoring device system by providing and fixing of new sensors and online sewerage/water analyzer with data logger and server connectivity to cp