Tender For supply of 14 nos. of 110 kv mom box with 220 v dc suitable for 110 kv ab switches and 6 nos. of 110 kv bom box with 220 v dc suitable for 110 kv ab switch we.
Tender For supply transportation and erection of 22 nos. 220v dc contactors for replacement of 110v dc contactor in existing erected mom box of 230 kv ab switches at mambakkam 230 kv ss, gst for bidders winthin tamilnadu, sgst, cgst, gst for bidders outside tamilnadu (igst)
Tender For supply, erection, testing and commissioning of motor operating mechanism boxes for ab switches / isolators, supply transportation and erection of 220v dc contactors for replacement of 110v dc contactor in existing erected mom box of 230 kv ab switches, gst for bidders within tamilnadu, sgst, cgst, gst for bidders outside tamilnadu (igst)
Tender For erection of double pole structure with 2 nos 33 kv ab switches at 33/11kv ss, erramanzil for in and out arrangement on 33 kv erramanzil to hussain sagar interlinking line for separation of 33/11 kv ss, erramanzil loads in lines hussain sagar section of lines hussain sagar sub division
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) -supplying & erecting 11 kv outdoor type gang operated ab switches.