Tender For corrigendum : repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - 88 acv sqn; acv 193 equipment; buyer radio sets, tractical communication systems, satellite communication systems, command and control systems, electronic warfare communication, network infrastructure, navigation and positioning system, specialized
Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - gram panchayat; grampanchayat iso; service provider radio sets, tactical communication system, satgellite communication systems, command and control systems, electronic warfare communication, network infrastructure, navigation and positioning systems, specialized communication equipment - msme exemption
Tender For providing of customized amc/cmc for pre-owned products - --; --; 'annual contract for repair / maintenance/renovation work and painting/polishing works of various wooden/steel furniture items, upholstery of sofa sets, chairs, dry cleaning of ladies and gents dresses etc. for the central bureau of communication as per schedule given below for the period of two year.
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - dismantling shifting and reerection of 40 meter tower for wireless communication; dismantling shifting and reerection of 40 meter tower for wireless communication; no; buyer premises
Tender For supply of telephonejunctionbox and accessories - krone 0 point 8 mm , krone 0 point 5 mm , telephonejunctionbox 20 pair , telephonejunctionbox 500 pair , telephonejunctionbox 1000 pair , cat 6 cable