Tender For supply of solid state temperaturecontroller complete conforming to rdso specification no. rdso/pe/s pec/ac/0020-2000 (rev-0), amendment -2 with provision of two temperature settings as per rdso modific ation sheet no. rdso/pe/ms/ac/0082-2020 (rev.0). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delive ry ]
Tender For procurement of wall mounted horizontal, rectangular, steam jacket two door autoclaves, with radial locking and micro-plc based temperaturecontroller for bsl-3 facility in centre for infectious diseases of the indian institute of science, bengaluru
Tender For supply, installation & commissioning of new cooling coil along with pcb with hermetic compressor and temperaturecontroller for 5.5ton air condition system confirm to is 8148:2018 in roller bearing section with remote controller arrangement. accepted make blue star or equivalent suitable for blue star air conditioner system.