Tender For corrigendum : tn-19064 supply, installation and commissioning of high performance energy chain system in shuttle conveyor 5a and plough feeder machine, replacing the existing reeling drum and cable trolley systems, respectively of chp kstps, kota
Tender For re-tender for supply, installation and commissioning of automatic silk reeling machine 400 ends, reeled silk humidifier, vacuum permeating machine, silk sheet making machine, cocoon cooking machine one no. each, re-reeling machine 40 windows two no and cocoon peeling machine/ cocoon deflossing machine two no. at ksic unit silk filature, t.narasipura karnataka state
Tender For supply, installation, and commissioning of a high-performance energy chain system inshuttle conveyor 5a and plough feeder machine, replacing the existing reeling drum andcable trolley systems, respectively, at chp, kstps, kota against tn-19064