Tender For providing services towards calibration of laboratory equipment/instrument- oven general purpose , autoclave (vertical) , thermometer set mercury , digital thermometer , bod incubator , balance analytical (electronics) , conductivity meter , flame photometer , ph meter (digital) , pc based uv visible spectrophotometer , bacteriological incubator , magnetic stirrer (with hot plate) , centrifuge , ion meter (digital) , turbidity meter (nephelometer) , cod digester (open reflux) , voltage stabilizer , water bath bacteriological , water bath general purpose.
Tender For providing services towards calibration of laboratory equipment/instrument- water bath bacteriological , water bath general purpose , oven general purpose , autoclave (vertical) , incub~tor bo d , thermometer set mercury , digital thermometer , incubator bacteriological (tempo make) , incubator bacteriological (labin make) , magnetic stirrer (hot plate) , centrifuge , analytical balance (electronic) , conductivity meter (digital) , ion meter (digital) , flame photometer , ph meter (digital) , turbidity meter (nephelometer) , pc based uv visible spectrophotometer , cod digester (open reflux) , voltage stabilizer , laminar air flow , fume cupboard , quartz double distillation apparatus (safety cut off , device)
Tender For supply of digital table top ph meter as per tender specification , tds and conductivity meter as per tender specification , digital do testing analyzer or meter as per tender specification , bod incubator as per tender specification , cod digestor as per tender specification , magnetic stirrer with hot plate as per tender specification , water distillation unit as per tender specification
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : qcc and survey eqpt - buoyancy balance , digital ph meter , standard sand for density test , ring and ball appartus , core cutting machine , cbr apparatus , bitumen penetration kit , universal testing machine , sand replacement method , cylindrical mould , density backet , los angels abrasion testing machine , standard tar viscometer , modified marshal apparatus , triaxial test apparatus , vibration table , bitumen ductility testing machine , extraction and sample preparation , upv , stop watch holder , deflectometer , sieve having dia 20 , sieve having diameter 30 cms , sieve having diameter 45 cms , sieves of various size as per morth specification , sieve analysis for dbm bc wbm wmm as per morth , rapid moisture meter , filter paper , stopwatch , le chatalier apparatus , bitumen thermometer digitial up to 200 degree celcius , vicat apparatus , slump test apparatus , aggregate impact test apparatus , oven , rebound hammer digital
Tender For supply of portable miscellaneous workshop equipment - stroboscope freq and rpm , conductivity meter , ph meter , clamp on ultrasonic flowmeter , vibration meter , stroboscope rpm , non contact digital tachometers