Tender For providing of custom bid for services - raw materials for 52560 no of subsidized meal,custom bid for services - meal preparation servicing housekeeping cleaning work including garbage disposal caretaker services at rest room srgr prnc hrgr jjp and bmki round the clock,custom bid for services - supply of newspapers at rest room srgr prnc hrgr jjp and bmki,custom bid for services - washing of linens using at rest room srgr prnc hrgr jjp and bmki
Tender For purchase of housekeeping materials for pharmacy services unit under central drug store - purchase of housekeeping materials for pharmacy services unit under central drug store of this hospital, toilet cleaning brush single hockey, toilet cleaning brush double hockey, bottle cleaning brush, dust bin medium (net type), plastic bucket with lid 30litre, pedastal bin with lid 50litre, washbasin cleaning brush, cobweb stick 8 feet, plastic bucket with lid 50 litre, mop stick with cloth, dry mop with stick