Tender For bid to ras supply of development kit using high performance computing , nano kit , lidar depth camera , 5g hat for single board computing device with quad antennas lte a multi band 5g or 4g or 3g , single board micro controller , iot trainer kit , single board computer with 16 gb ram , ai voice kit for single board computer , 5 inch resistive touchscreen lcd , usb gps receiver , 5v 4a adapter for nano developer kit b01 , camera module for single board computing device , camera 360 gear , 27 inch monitor
Tender For 1). cms kiosk: 1. touchscreen lcd/tft display,17, 2. off line 1 kva ups with smf battery (standalone type), 3. biometric device, 4.breath an alyser (rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 (rev-2), dtd:15.03.2018), 5. web camera, 6. thin client (8gb ram/32 gb rom), 7. key board & mou se (wired). 2). cms tss equipment set consists: 1) thin client(8gb ram/32 gb rom), 2) monitor (18.5 led), ups (1 kva with smf battery), key board & mou se (wired). by likely sources as per cris l. no.2007/cris /ndls-hq/cms/project/rollout-ii/0030/pt-i, td:27.12.2018 only. supplier should supply, install, com mission the kiosks at different locations of the sbc division as per consignees requirement, and should provide free maintenance up to warranty period.30 m onths, from the date of installation [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - ---- desktop pcs with cpu and monitor ,thin clients with cpu and monitor , laptop hp pro book , kiyosk-intel led touchscreen
Tender For procurement of gym equipment at hubballi airport fire station -supply, installation, testing and commissioning of (sitc)6- stationmulti gym with 4 stack including mandatory exercise provision oflat pull down, mid row, chest press, shoulder press, multi press, legcurl, leg extension, additional exercise leg press, pec fly/ rear belt ,leg raise, chin dip, material of frame: cold rolled mild steel, framefinishing: 2 layer electrostatic coating, frame thickness:3mm ,pipeshape: rectangular,cable:5 mm thick & nylon coated, adjustablepulley diameter:3 inch, adjustable pulleys type: "v" groovedfiberglass impregnated nylon pulleys with sealed bearing, bearings:precision-machined bearings, grip assemblies: narrow grip, thicknessof seat: 2 inches, cushioning type: foam padding, cushioningmaterial: foam, number of weight stacks to be supplied along withthe machine:2, weight of each stack (in kg): 90 kg, length:350 cm ,width: 250 cm, height:230 cm, machine weight with stacks (in kg):450 kg etc. complete as required in assembled condition includingtransportation up to aai site location , sitc of heavy duty commercial treadmill with max speed 25kmph, 4hp motor, maximum user weight 200 kg, incline range(degree): 20, display read out: time, speed, distance, incline,calories, pulse/heart rate, console/display type: tft touchscreen,display size: (in inch) 18.5, keys on console: instant speed, incline key,program, minimum number of programs: 24, power drive electricity ,material for frame: mild steel, material for side foot rail: mild steel,material for roller: mild steel, material for console: abs (acrylonitrilebutadiene styrene), length of treadmill :80 inch, width oftreadmill:30 inch, height of treadmill: 58 inch, running length (ininch): 69 to 72, running width (in inch): 25 including training fortechnical staff and support services with the system, with essentialfeatures of heart rate monitor, calorie count feature, shockabsorption, provision to control/set speed, provision toincline/decline, wheels for easy transportation, with additionalfeatures of auto lubrication, reversible deck, recovery pattern,mp3connectivity, fan, bluetooth, usb, wi-fi, pulse sensor on hand rails,plane damping system, fitness test, emergency stopper with safetykey mechanism to ensures high degree of user's safety etc. completeas required in assembled condition including transportation up to aaisite location. , sitc of multi bench (incline, decline & flat) with bar holder, type ofbench: flat incline decline, machine length:162 cm ,machinewidth:60 cm, machine height:54 cm, machine weight :45 kg, materialof frame: colled rolled mild steel, frame finishing/coating:2-layerelectrostatic powder coating, pipe shape: oval, thickness:15 gauge,material of frame: colled rolled mild steel, framefinishing/coating:2-layer electrostatic powder coating, pipe shape:oval, seat and backrest material: foam padding, upholstery material:foam, seat and backrest thickness :2 inch, with provision of adjustableseat and back rest, 3 position seat pad adjustment, back padadjustment:30 degrees, with provision of abs rubber feet for floorprotection etc. complete as required in assembled condition includingtransportation up to aai site location , sitc of double bar with pulls ups with max user weight 150 kg,product weight:200 kg, weight stacks:91 kg, height:220 cm,width:136 cm, solid-steel weight plates, heavy-duty belt system,length:122 cm, plate capacity (per rod):10 kg etc. complete asrequired in assembled condition including transportation up to aaisite location , sitc of squat rack with material of frame: colled rolled mild steel,frame finishing/coating: 2-layer electrostatic powder coating, pipeshape: rectangular, thickness: 3 mm,machine length:178 cm, machine width:168 cm, machine height:180cm, machine weight (in kg) 150 kg etc. complete as required inassembled condition including transportation up to aai site location , sitc of abdominal bench with material of frame of abdominal b
Tender For cms kiosk for crew lobby as per cris specification letter no. 2007/cris/ndls-ho/cms/proje ct/rollout-ii/0030/pt-i, dated 27-12-20189 copy enclosed) consisting of the following items (one number eac h). 1.cms kiosk enclosure. 2. 17" touchscreen led monitor 3. thin clint, 4.breath analyzer. 5. bio metric d evice, 6.web cam, 7.ups, 8. printer instead of dot-matrix printer mentioned in the above specification , lase r printer similar to model no. mfp m 128in or m1136 mfp of hp or similar make of same specification shall b e supplied. make/brand addsoft/atcms/similar,(warranty period upto 30 months from the date of supply) make: tayaltech /agmatel/cipl or similar. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of multipara monitor - multipara monitors , transport monitor module with fully touchscreen five point five inches or more , central monitoring for sixteen patient monitors viewer complete set , network printer , wired networking with patient monitors , ecg five by six lead set cable , ecg extension trunk cord , reusable spotwo probes for pediatrics , reusable spotwo probes for adult , reusable spotwo probes for neonatal , spotwo connection cord , nibp air hose adult , nibp air hose for neonatal , disposable nibp cuff of different size neonatal infant child adult large adult six each , reusable nibp cuff pead size two nos of different sizes neonatal infant child with each monitor , reusable nibp cuff adult reusable cuff four nos of different sizes adult and large adult with each monitor , temperatures probes esophageal , temperatures probes skin , etcotwo mainstream or micro stream sensor four modules only with complete set , sampling line or disposable airway adapter for intubated patients with four monitors , sampling line or disposable airway adapter for non intibated patient with four monitors , reusable ibp cable , disposable ibp transducer , rechargeable battery pack , wall mount , cmc for first year , cmc for second year , cmc for third year , cmc for forth year , cmc for fifth year