Tender For various material supply for the work construction of anganwadi building at village bhurki pod gp karanji road taluka kelapur district yavatmal.
Tender For procurement of spares for su-30 mki aircraft - sling pod level lifting (mk32b-754), template (for canopy sagging check), multipurpose electronic frequency meter with frequency converter for no11m, rat test fixture, wave guide co-axial converter, panel for test bench of r-098-3, stand for test bench for r-805, optical index (required during calibration of pu-2), power meter for ram, specific to type test equipments for 1410as, ncdr and ceu atp test equipment for configration 1, control pannel with key board for r800l2e, bd-04 interface loom for integration of mk-84 gp bomb, wire, 6 o/p power supply module, gps cable (brahmos), bush (maznut)
Tender For open tender for generating, printing and pasting of qr code sticker on gas meters of all commissioned customers of sgl and submission of pod as per sgls requirement on annual rate contract basis for 2 years.