Tender For supply of kit for constant contact polyurethane side bearer pad assembly (3-rings) consisting of following items. (1)-round plate and stopper spring (in set) qty/kit-02 set (2)-p.u.lining (top and bott om) qty/kit-01no. each. (3)-poly rings qty/kit-03nos. spec. no:- wd - 38 - misc. - 2004 ( rev. 2 ) (de sign a). performance warranty :- the performance of items shall be for a period of 30 months from th e month and year of manufacturing. (for details please see spec. no. wd-38-misc.-2004 (rev. 2)). [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For supply of under frame complete for amrit bharat lslrd/pp2 (756) coaches to drg no. 7 5611001, alt "a". the manufacturing facility as per icf/md/spec-147, issue status-01, rev.02 with amendment no.01 special condition : this is a new build and there will be minor chang es in drawing. firm shall obtain final drawings from icf before start of manufacturing. packing condition as per drg no icf/j&t/misc-2487, alt 'b'. the under frame should be supp lied as normal side up and side bearer side down. [safety item ]
Tender For supply of brake gear pin for icf bogie to drawing no. misc-sk-no.-3383-a, alt. 1, item no. 1, size : 41 dia x 156 mm (ref. drg. icf/std-3-2-001)." [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of complete assembly of constant contact side bearer as per rdsos drg. wd-12007-s-01-al t-03 (item 1 to 8). material & spec. confirming to wd-62-misc-17 amend-1 [ warranty period: 30 mont hs after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of opening dismantling of break system repair with replacement of following parts and refitting testing complete veh ba no 19 c 1085116a break shoe , front small bearing , front big bearing , front wheel cylinder , front oil seal , rear small breaing , rear big breaing , rear wheel cylinder , rear oil seal , break pipe , grease , opening dismantling of electrical fittings repair with replacement of following parts and refitting testing complete head lamp , indicator light , blade type fuse , hazard warning switch , relay 12v 70 amp with diode , battery lead cable , opening dismantling of misc item replacement of following parts and refitting testing complete horn front , wheel caps , mud flaps , command sign , m and l for wheel balancing and allignment of veh as per oem instruction all as directed , tools and labour only for replacement of above supply material , complete checking of electrical wiring connection of vehicle making petty repairs necessary as required for wiring and replacement of above electrical parts
Tender For supply of top housing for constant contact poly urethane (pu) side bearer of boxnhl wagon. dr awing no. : aal-021101, alt. 8, item no. 01. material and specification : as per drawing and conformi ng to rdso's spec. no. wd-38 misc-2004, (rev. 2) of nov. 2022. ]
Tender For supply of kit for constant contact polyurethane side bearer pad design 'a' for casnub 22 hs bogies consisting of 3 items . 1. poly rings - item no.5, qty/kit - 3 nos. 2. round plate (steel spacer) with stopper spring - item no.3 & 6, qty/kit-2 nos. 3. pu lining (sleeve) - item no.4 qty/ki t-2 nos. firm's drg.no.aal-021101,alt.8 and as per specn.no. wd-38-misc-2004,rev.1 of jan'08 an d amendment no.2 of sept.2016 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of pu lining for top housing of constant contact polyurethane side bearer pad assembly t o to drg. no: aal-021101, alt- 8, item no: 4. and rdso spec. no: wd-38-misc-2004 (rev-2). [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]