Tender For replacement of undercarriage assembly and repairing of both sides track frames of d155 dozer s no t2932 of dumanhill siding,kurasia sa, chirimiri area - replacement of undercarriage assembly & repairing of both sides track frames of d-155 dozer s. no. t-2932 of dumanhill siding,kurasia sa,chirimiri area, special steel dissimilar welding electrode, lo-therme-452, special steel welding electrode, lo-therme-210, special electrode for surfacing & hard-facing lo-therme-602, special gouging electrode equivalent to d&h 802, welding holder (600 amp), ag-7 grinding wheel, hiring charges for ag-7 grinding machine, hiring charges for dc rectifier welding machine, labour charges, 10% contractors profit on labour charges, total impact of gst for the purpose of ctc
Tender For hiring mini lorry (having cubical capacity up to 5 tonne and age not older than 15 years as on the date of expiry of contract) for the use of transformermaintenance and repair unit padinjarethara for period of 1 year.
Tender For supply and delivery of portable rectifier welding machine 400 amps 3 phase for 5th stream alumina plant at damanjodi odisha and related facilities at vishakhapatnam port
Tender For supply of set of spares for welding machine : (1)mcb; description:32a 3pole c-curve, 415v, with breaking capacity 6 ka similar to make chint nb1-3-32c ; quantity: 150 no's; (2), secondary diodes ; description:forward current (per leg if=150a, per device if=300a), with vr-200v similar to make sir ectifier srud30040ctd3 ; quantity:50 no's; (3),fuse(5a) ; description:glass fuse 5a/30mm ; quantit y:40no's; (4),bridge rectifier; description:100a,1600v three phase bridge rectifier similar to make m ds 100-16 ; quantity:20no's; (5),3 pin socket machine ; description:female socket with square type mounting base of dimension (25.23mmx25.23mm) and outercircular dia for connecting 15.07mm on the base with threading similar present in mogoro make; quantity:10 no's ; (6),3 pin socket torch; d escription:male socket of round type outer circular dia 19.75mm with threading type to fix to female socket similar present in mogoro make ;quantity: 10no's; (7)10 pin socket ; description:male socket of round type outer circular dia 23.04mm with threading type to fix to female socket similar present i n mogoro make; quantity:10 no's (8),igbt ; description:ic(nom)=100a,ic=160a(25 degree centi), v ces=1200v, similar to make semikron skm100gb12t4; quantity:50 no's; (9)output connector; desc ription :connector lug type flat output connector suitable for 400a welding plant with round insulatio n suitable for ador-fontech,mogoro and aimweld machines; quantity:250 no's ; (10), output connecto rs ; description: welding cable plug connectors. male connectors with current 200a-400a applicable cable standard section 70-95mm square suitable for diffusion and kemppi; quantity:50no's (11), out put connectors ; description: welding cable plug connectors. female connectors with current 200a- 400a applicable cable standard section 70-95mm square suitable for diffusion and kemppi ; quantit y:50no's [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For electronics lab items - semiconductor & power semiconductor device trainer, rectifier, filter, zener regulator experiment trainer, power semiconductor trainer, power electronics trainer, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, pcm,dpcm / adpcm modulator and demodulator trainer, delta, adaptive delta, sigma delta, cvsd modulator & demodulator, ask, fsk, psk, qpsk bpsk modulator & demodulator, frequency modulation & demodulation techniques, am / fm radio receiver trainer, pam-ppm-pwm and line coding techniques, microwave test bench (klystron based), advanced microwave test bench (gunn based), antenna training setup (big version) antenna training system, cdma modulation / demodulation trainer, fiber optics cable trainer, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, local area network (lan) trainer kit, digital logic gates trainer, half/full adder, subtractor, alu trainer, flip flop, counters & shift register trainer, multiplexer, decoder & encoder, digital trainer, 8051/89c51 microcontroller development and training platform, arm micro controller development platform, dc/ac bridge trainer, calibration of voltmeter and ammeter trainer, calibration of wattmeter using phantom loading, lcr meter (digital), displacement sensing transducers trainer, temperature sensing transducers trainer, strain gauge transducer trainer, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, operational amplifier circuit trainer, analog to digital and digital to analog trainer, experimentation with astable and monostable multivibrator, understanding and experimentation with digital ics, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, lrc meter, tong tester, pcb prototype machine, voltmeter, ammeter, ammeter, dc/ac bridge trainer, dc slide wire potentiometer, cromptpn potentiometer, single phase energy meter, q-meter meter, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, displacement sensing transducers trainer, advanced microwave test bench (gunn based), fiber optics cable trainer, cdma trainer kit, plc trainer kit, control system trainer kit