CTN :39429701
24 Mar, 2025
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of list of fisheries equipments - balance digital portable , glucometer , usb digital microscope , balance digital capacity 10g to 20kh range , weighing balance , sedgewick rafter counting chambers , class="text-red-selected">ultrasonic cleaner , single door minor refrigerator , turbidity meter , high speed homogenizer , ele
c air blower motor , digital turbidity or nephelo meter , niskin water sampler , air pump bubbler pond aerator , vortex shaker , glass top deep freezer , bulk density apparatus , digital
cod digester , mi
crowave oven , water pump , digital ph meter , digital magneti
c stirrer hot plate , ion sele
ctive ele
ctrode water ammonia meter , bowl
chopper , meat min
cer , silent
cutter , tray dryer or dehydrator with stainless steel trays , va
ccum pa
ckaging ma
chine , steamer , normal sealing ma
chine , mixer grinder , fishing s
caling ma
chine or fish des
caling ma
chine , double door refrigerator , automati
c weather station , dslr
camera , digital
cup anemometer , wind so
ck with stand , manual plasti
c rain gauge , infrared thermometer , se
cchi disk , portable air quality pollution dete
ctor , digital hygrometer thermometer with
ck , van veen bottom grab sampler , stainless steel soil
core sampler , sunshine re
corder with
card set , handheld e
cho-sounder , digital lux meter , pen type fluoride meter , digital ph meter pen types , me
cal shaker , fishing rod , o2 gas sensor , handheld gps ,
co2 gas sensor , ele
c water bath with shaker , flame photometer , mi
centrifuge , digital heating dry bath , double distillation water unit , basi
c ben
centrifuge , boio
char klin , stationary digital dissolved oxygen meter with multi do , serologi
cal water bath , rotary flash evaporator with va
ccum pump , hot air oven , uv transilluminator , refrigerated
centrifuge , digital weighing balan
ce , semi automated bio
chemistry analyzer , fiber analyzer ,
compound mi
cope with
camera , thermomixer , food
colour analyzer , orbital shaking in