Tender For work of supplying eco-friendly treated water from yellamallappachetty stp to seegehalli/hoodi lake by providing and laying of 300mm dia di pipeline including construction of pumping station along with electro mechanical installation. call-2
Tender For work of supplying eco-friendly treated water from yellamallappachetty to chikkabasanapura lake by providing and laying of 300mm dia di pipeline including construction of pumping station along with electro mechanical installation. call-2
Tender For work of providing and laying di 300mm and 200mm dia pipeline to fill the eco friendly treated water from new 20 mld kr puram stp to kowdenahallikere lake. call-2
Tender For work of supplying eco-friendly treated water from new 20 mld k.r. puram stp to vengaiahnakere lake by providing and laying of 400mm dia di pipeline including construction of pumping station along with electro mechanical installation. call-2
Tender For work of providing and laying 300 mm dia 200 mm dia and 100mm dia di k-9 pipeline to fill the eco-friendly treated water to gunjur palya lake from 90 mld bellandur stp coming under the jurisdiction of ee(wwm-stp-k&t) valley division. call-2
Tender For tender for the work of providing & laying of 300mm dia ms water pipeline from bsnl office to 3rd main upto glr in ombr layout pertaining to ombr service station of aeee-2-2 sub division
Tender For tender for the work of replacement of 200, 150, 100mm dia ci water supply line by laying 200mm, 150mm, 100mm dia di water line in kasthurinagara (part-a) pertaining to ombr s/s of aeee-2-2 sub division.
Tender For tender for the work of replacement of 200, 150, 100mm dia ci water supply line by laying 200mm, 150mm, 100mm dia di water line in kasthurinagara (part-b) pertaining to ombr s/s of aeee-2-2 sub division.
Tender For tender for the work of replacement of 200, 150, 100mm dia ci water supply line by laying 200mm, 150mm, 100mm dia di water line in ombr layout (part-b) pertaining to ombr s/s of aeee-2-2 sub division.
Tender For work of providing & laying 450mm dia di water line from bangalore nh44 km 535 lane of signature business park nhai coming under yelahanka old town service station of aee n21 sub division