Tender For supply of overhauling kit of trident make air dryer model no. ld2000140 consists of 14 items. 1) ad433 filter element 8qu 15 095= 01 no. 2) cd668 cup top filter = 01 no 3) cd669 cup bottom filt er = 01 no. 4) as443 spare kit filter bottom i) co084 o ring (26.7 x 1.78), ii) co086 o ring (88.57 x 2.62) = 01 no. 5) as444 spare kit valve double poppet= 01 no. i) ad1590 poppet assly=02 nos. ii) c o009 o ring (31.6 x 2.4)=01 no, iii)co083 o ring (41.00 x 1.78)=01 no, iv) co085 o ring (34.59 x 2. 62)= 01 no, v) co087 o ring (3 x 1.25) = 02 nos, vi) cd675 filter bottom spring=01 no.6) ac077 filt er element m250y= 01 no. 7) as445 spare kit valve shuttle=01 no. i) cc146 circlip b-45ss=02 nos ii ) cd662 inlet shuttle=01 n, ii) cd663 outlet shuttle=01 no, iv) co079 o ring (39.34 x 2.62)=08 nos, 8) as446 spare kit purge valve=02 nos,i) ad1589 prppet assly=01 no, ii)cd661 exhaust spring=01 no, iii) o ring (28.17 x 3.53)=02 nosiv) co009 o ring (31.6 x2.4)=01 no,v) co034 o ring (3.5 x 1.25 ) = 02 nosvi) co067 o ring (10 x 2.62)= 01 novii) co 079 o ring (39.34 x 2.62)=01 nviii) co080 o r ing (41.00 x 2.5)= 01 no 9) cd 671 bag cartridge desiccant=02 bags, 10) cd673 spring compactor= 02 nos, 11) as447 spare kit seals tower= 01 no, i) ag028 gasket filter tower=02 nos, ii) cd192 gas ket drying tower=04 nos, iii) co034 o ring (3.5 x 1.25)= 01 no, iv) co082 o ring 946 x 6.0)= 01 no , 12) ad926 humidity indicator or color=02 nos,13) as079a gasket pad amisco solenoid valve=02 no s, 14) as709 spares kit seals controller box=01 no, i) ad1013 controller box gasket=01 no, ii)ad10 14 controller cover gasket=01 no, iii) co073 o ring (18.77 x 1.78)= 01 no, iv) co091 o ring (15 x 2 .0)= 01 no. specn: overhauling kit of trident make air dryer model no. ld2000140 consists of 14 ite ms. 1) ad433 filter element 8qu 15 095= 01 no. 2) cd668 cup top filter = 01 no 3) cd669 cup bott om filter = 01 no. 4) as443 spare kit filter bottom i) co084 o ring (26.7 x 1.78), ii) co086 o ring (8 8.57 x 2.62) = 01 no. 5) as444 spare kit valve double poppet= 01 no. i) ad1590 poppet assly=02 no s. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For tender for the water hplc system due to leakage from the purge valve spare parts, department of biosciences, biotechnology programme mangalore university, mangala gangotri
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery - procurement of spares for hydrogen recycle compressor and nitrogen compressor at pp unit at iocl paradip refinery., bushing alignment p/n. w132626, seal oil deflector p/n. 300018ak3im, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432mb32, spring p/n. 9539t16, crab valve p/n. w131493, valve inlet p/n. mlh44432kd5, valve disch p/n. mlh44433kd5, ring packing p/n. r87096c278d24im, ring packing purge,p/n:r87096a278t24im, washer lock p/n. 14a5s36, bush crank pin p/n. 5833c1, bush x hd pin p/n. 5832c1, bush sheave p/n. 166092, crosshead p/n. mlw125207g1, ring scrapper p/n. 27a11b24dim, pushrod p/n. w131775dp3, pushrod p/n. w131775dp4, set screw p/n. x1531t739c, set screw p/n. x1531t742c, setscrew p/n. r83516b8p1, set screw p/n. x1531t735c, pipe suction p/n. 3188e1t2, gasket outer head p/n. 7735d1t132im, seal oil part no 207a11an9044, packing rod comp p/n. mlh65180nbdg5, ring packing set p/n. r87096c298d32im, ringpack purge set p/n r87096e298t32im, crosshead p/n. f38958, washer 3/4 " p/n. 12a5c9, cap breather p/n. 6459b1, dowel pin p/n- 17a13a141, bushing p/n. 3800c1t2, rod unloader p/n. r83517kp1, setscrew hex skt p/n. 109a2s1, bushing main brg p/n. r16430, bushing set p/n. h62654im, bush x hd pin p/n. 5027c1, ring scrapper p/n- 27a11b32aim, spacer packing p/n. w120342, ring packing set p/n. r87096a728t32im, rod packing assly p/n. 1h44450np5t2, rod packing p/n. h44450np5t2, cylinder & liner p/n. 1f30793al2, o-ring p/n. r90244t441im
Tender For supply of m-48 kit for trident makes air dryer consist of 14 items as per following details: -(1) filter ele ment equivalent to trident pt. no.ad433, qty/set-01 no. (2) cup top filter, equivalent to trident pt.no.-cd 668,qty/set-01 no. (3) cup bottom filter, equivalent to trident pt. no.-cd669, qty/set-01 no. (4) spare kit f ilter bottom equivalent to trident pt. no.-as443, qty/set-01 no. (5) spare kit valve double poppet, equivale nt to trident pt. no.-as444, qty/set-01 no. (6) filter element m205y, equivalent to trident pt.no.-ac077, qt y/set-01 no. (7) spare kit valve shuttle, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as445, qty/set-01 no. (8) spare kit for purge valve equivalent to trident pt.no.-as446, qty/set-01 no. (9) bag cartridge desiccant, equivalent to t rident pt. no.-cd671, qty/set-02 nos. (10) spring compactor, equivalent to trident pt.no.- cd673, qty/ set- 02 nos. (11) spare kit seals tower, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as447, qty/set-01 no. (12) sub assly humi dity indicator-3-r1, equivalent to trident pt. no.-ad925, qty/set-02 nos.(13) gasket pad amisco solenoid v alve, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as079a, qty/set-02 nos. (14) spare kit seals controller box, equivalent to trident pt. no.-as709, qty/set-01 no. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of gas cabinet - connector , itc of ss316,mvcr tube fitting connector , supply of ss316l, co axial tubing, electropolished, roughness 10 ra or better , itc of ss316l, co axial tubing, electropolished, roughness 10 ra or better , supply of ss316l co axial tubing terminators , itc of ss316l co axial tubing terminators , supply of ss316l co axial tubing sleeves , itc of ss316l co axial tubing sleeves , supply of ss316 bulkhead connectors for co axial tubing , itc of ss316 bulkhead connectors for co axial tubing , supply of ss316l co axial equa t piece , itc of ss316l co axial equa t piece , supply of ss316l co axial male purge t piece , itc of ss316l co axial male purge t piece , supply of co axial bulk head fitting with purge t piece , itc of co axial bulk head fitting with purge t piece , supply of ss316 outer tee connection for n2 purging in jacket of co axial tubing , itc of ss316 outer tee connection for n2 purging in jacket of co axial tubing , supply of rota meters , itc of rota meters , supply of magnahelic gauges for gas cabinet , itc of magnahelic gauges for gas cabinet , supply of ss316 valve sticks , itc of ss316 valve sticks , supply of ss316l, tube , itc of ss316l, tube , supply of ss316, ball valve , itc of ss316, ball valve , supply of ss316, double ferrule union , itc of ss316, double ferrule union , supply of ss316, double ferrule reducer union , itc of ss316, double ferrule reducer union , supply of ss316, double ferrule reducing tee , itc of ss316, double ferrule reducing tee , supply of ss316, compression nuts , itc of ss316, compression nuts , supply of ss316,ferrule back and front , itc of ss316,ferrule back and front , supply of unistrut channel , itc of unistrut channel , supply of epoxy coated unistrut channel , itc of epoxy coated unistrut channel , supply of clamps for unistrut support , itc of clamps for unistrut support , supply of pfa flexible tubing , itc of pfa flexible tubing