Tender For supply of weighment center with rooms parking and tent light - ac rooms , hall , kitchen , parking , ground , dome pandal , tent , cannat , matting , chairs , table , table cover , curtains , cooler , jumbo cooler , fan , wooden takht , generator , hallogen light , tubelight , cfl , metal light , bed roll , mic set , barrier , dari , switch board , water drum , water and electricity
Tender For tender for supply of nephro icu and ot mesh - polysulphone polyethersulphone plasmafilter for plasmapharesis with tubing 0.4 to 0.6 sqm , , pre heparinized syringe with lithium heparin , 3 ml , without safety needle. , premheparinized syringe with lithium heparin , 3ml with safety needle , tissue separating multilayer mesh for intra abdominal open and laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. soft polypropylene mesh clubbed with polydiaxanone layer and has an oxidized regenerated cellulose on visceral side.size 15 cmx15cm , 3 dimentional polyester mesh with micro porosity , x stich macro porosicty and multidirectional elasticity with optimised atello collagen 1 absorbable anti adhesive barrier and pre fixed transabdominal sutures size 12 circular , 3 dimentional polyester mesh with micro porosity , x stich macro porosicty and multidirectional elasticity with optimised atello collagen 1 absorbable anti adhesive barrier and pre fixed transabdominal sutures size 20cm circular , 3 dimentional polyester mesh with micro porosity , x stich macro porosicty and multidirectional elasticity with optimised atello collagen 1 absorbable anti adhesive barrier and pre fixed transabdominal sutures size 15cm circular , light weight , filament reinforced polypropylene mesh with large pore size 1.5mm and 60gm m2 wt with blue guidelines 15 x15 cm , tissue separating multilayer mesh for intra abdominal open and laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. soft polypropylene mesh clubbed with polydiaxanone layer and has an oxidized regenerated cellulose on visceral side.size 10cmx20cm , monofilament polypropylene mesh size 8cmx13cm , endo tracheal catheter mount with tubing 22 taper connection
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of various type road sign board with installation - airport iron bd , all motor veh prohibited iron bd , cattle iron bd , compulsory turn left iron bd , compulsory ahead only iron bd , compulsory sound horn iron bd , compulsory turn right ahead iron bd , cycle crossing iron bd , expressway exit iron bd , expressway begins iron bd , expressway ends iron bd , falling rocks iron bd , first aid iron bd , give way iron bd , handicapped iron bd , height limit iron bd , horn prohibited iron bd , hospital iron bd , left hair pin bend iron bd , light refreshment iron bd , left reverse bend iron bd , left turn iron bd , length limit iron bd , level crossing with barrier ahead iron bd , level crossing with out barrier ahead iron bd , loose gravel iron bd , men at work iron bd , move on iron bd , narrow bridge iron bd , narrow road ahead iron bd , no bicycle iron bd , no bullock carts iron bd , no entry iron bd , no heavy veh iron bd , no left turn iron bd , no motor cycle iron bd , no over taking iron bd , no parking iron bd , no pedestrian iron bd , no right turn iron bd , no straight ahead iron bd , no u turn iron bd , no vehs in direction iron bd , one way traffic iron bd , parking iron bd , parking this side iron bd , pedestrian iron bd , petrol pump iron bd , public telephone iron bd , restaurant iron bd , right hair pin bend iron bd , right reverse bend iron bd , right turn iron bd , road wideness ahead iron bd , roundabout iron bd , school ahead iron bd , slippery road iron bd , speed limit iron bd , steep ascent iron bd , steep descent iron bd , stop iron bd , no thorough road iron bd , no thorough side road iron bd , traffic signals ahead iron bd , uneven road iron bd , weight limit iron bd
Tender For corrigendum : supply of repair of high definition camera with ni vision capability poe ip , utp cable cat 6 , nvr with i p and 2 tb hard disc 16 port , repair of ptz programming console , repair of display monitor 40 inch , repair of boom barrier with tyre killed , ptz camera 100 mtr , repair of mega phones , repair of license plate camera , repair of rfid sys with lan , repair of rfid cards with lanyard , switch 24 port 1000mbps , repair of management console , repair of servers , repair of biometricd gate lock , repair of search light , repair of hhm detector , electrical siren 2 km , repair of integrated racks , repair of ups 1 kva offline , repair of ups 5 kva online with 1 hrs backup , ofc 4 core , monitor 18.5 inch , hand held rfid system , repair of door frame metal detector , media converter
Tender For corrigendum : supply of repair of boom barrier , repair of ptz camera , repair of megaphone , repair of licnse plate camera , repair of rfid sys with lan , repair of rfid cards with lanyard , repair of management console , repair of bio metric door lock , repair of high capicity search light , hand held metal detector , repair of electric siren , repair of online ups 5 kva , nas 2tb , traffic cones , repair of printer , onu , repair of gepon , under vehicle search mirror , repair of digiatal video camera
Tender For supply of botany lab equipments - procurement of botany lab equipment, modular laboratory workstation (with sink, switches) specification steel/ iron made, total size 500sq feet, real time electrophoresis system, with power supply specificationvertical slab gel system polyacrylamide gel, craft s micro imaging system specificationimported camera eyepiece with computer or laptop connectivity with usb port, entomological dissecting microscope specificationlens 83 mm dia. eye-pieces 10x and 20x, donna- pattal making machine specificationfully automatic double die crank machine, raw material banana leaf, palash leaf, etc, 220v, 1hp motor, mild steel , imported e-learn interactive white boards specification75 inches 4k uhd touch screen led tv ultratouch display interactive flat panel monitor(3840 x 2160 pixels) , horizontal laminar flow specification4 2 2 (stainless steel body) 90 lt./per hepais 90 + 20 fpm noise level in very low, working fluorescent light, pcr teaching kit specificationtest efficient and easy to use, colony counter specification4 digit, microlit micropipette specificationmultichannel 8 channel fully auto removable, dahl digestion unit specificatonaluminium heating block and fumes extraction system, digestion of plant, soil sludge, food grams, processing 100 ml tubes, leaf area meter specificationfully automatic, portable water/soil kit specificationph mv conductivity, tds salinity, turbidity, d.o. and temp., magnetic stirrer with hot plate specification2 liters capacity, water bath rectangular specification16" 12" 4" 12 holes of 3" diameter, seed germinator specificationsingle chamber, suitable for conducting experiments on variety of seeds under different conditions of temp. and humidity. inner size 555 910 605 mm s.s. interior having 6 nos. adjustable shelves. tabular heaters are fitted. windowed front glass door outer inner full view acrylic door enabling to keep temp. and humidity level un-interrupted. full feature digital temp. controller cum indicator with voltmeter stainless steel with 14 trays., tissue culture rack specificationfitted with switches and 0-24 hrs. timer made of mild steel duly painted. rack size 48 21 (depth) is covered with thick ubreakableplexi-glass. each rack fitted with 4 fluorescent tubes and four bulbs. it is a unit with four shelf. each shelf with one u.v. tube for sterilization purpose., electronic balances digital specificationkea-210 200 gm 0.001 gm (1 mg) 80 mm , laboratory bod incubator specification12 cu.ft. 900 650 550mm s.s inner capacity 340 liter, fully automatic fume hood specification1500x750x2100mm, universal phase contrast cum dark field/bright field binocular research microscope specificationequipped with double slidder unit and condenser system which enables bright field, dark ground and phase contrast observation by a simple change over procedure. this microscope is designed latest phase techniques for most convenient observation of all colourless and transparent specimens and living bacteria etc. wihout staining. provides excellent contrast and a perfect flat image. coarse motion with universal locking device and highly sensitive fine focusing reading to 0.002 mm. supplied with imported slider phase contrast cum dark field equipment having phase annuls with abbe condenser and set of phase plates and provision for accurate centering. supplied with din standard optics, fluorescence microscope (imported-flurex) specificationepi-fluorescence arm with butyl in two/four (option) filters (uv, v, b, g) dichoric mirror and barrier filters. wf 10x/fov 20 mm (paired). objective plain achromatic objective 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. fluorescence objective 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x. standard interference filters 1. b excitation (400-490 nm); 2. g excitation (510-550 nm). optional 1. uv excitation (300-400 nm); 2. v excitation (395-415 nm). transmitted tungsten halogen lamp. fluorescent sources 100 w mercury lamp. complete with instruction manual
Tender For supply of electrically operated lifting barrier complete set suitable for 110v ac / 24v dc sup ply, without hand generator back up, and motorized boom locking arrangements as per rdso spec.no. sp n/208/2012 ver. 2.0 or latest. the 02 nos. of barriers of length 09.76 meter should be supplied along with stop boards and light. the spares & tool kit mentioned in rdso spec. no. rdso/ spn/208/2012 ver. 2.0 and amndt. 1 or latest, clause 10.1 & 10.2 reproduced as below should be supplied along with each full set :- i) gi boom - 1 no. complete. ii) belt - 1 no. iii) crank handle - 1 no. iv) motor contactor - 1 no. v) motor prote ction mcb - 1 no. vi) push button complete - 2 nos. vii) limit switch - 3 nos. (1 lever type and 2 top roller ty pe) viii) fuses used - 2 sets. tool kit consisting of standard sizes of wrinch/ spanner and allen keys should a lso be supplied with each set (02 nos.) of electric lifting barrier. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]