Tender For corrigendum : supply of motorola head phone 338 motorola , motorola head phone 8668 motorola , 4g solar camera with solar plate alongwith 256 gb memory card 7 days cloud backup and 1 year recharge , electronic listening and digital recording device , wire 2 point 5mm
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 08 nos. variablevoltagevariablefrequencydrive panel for the air handling units of the central ac plant at main office rbi bhopal
Tender For repair/upgrading of motor control centre panels with variablevoltagevariablefrequencydrives, soft starters, lv driven cables and connected items of main rising line 01 including allied works at fwph at naval dockyard visakhapatnam under ge (i)
Tender For supply of hearing aid - audio service as hpt bte , audio service as pt bte , audio service volta pt bg bte , audio service as hpt bg bte , audio service as pt bg bte , assistive listening device for single sided deafeness with all standard accessories as g7