Tender For bid to ras supply of brake pad front change , brake shoe rear change , front caliper assy change , rear brake drum , ignition coil change , spark plug change , realy change , plug wire change , electronic injector repair , seat adjuster , horn assy change , steering assy , the above mentioned parts removing the veh and all reqires portion service and all new parts fitting, engine tuning electrical check and wheel alignment and balancing , rotary pump assy and feed pump removing the veh and taken to the pump house and stripping all parts and cleaning checking. injector nozzle , pump full service and assembles above mentioned burned and damaged change and full packing change nozzle fitting injector , feed pump service with kit vehcile overbeating and produce white smoke. engine required for overhauling , engine liner set change , piston change , main bearing change , bigend bearing change , thrust washer change , piston ring change , valve inlet and exhaust change , valve guide change , head gasket change , gasket kit change , crunk shaft seal change , water pump change , engine mounting pad change , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , fan belt change , timing belt change , timing tensoner change , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing change , fly wheel skimming change , fly wheel bearing change , hub seal inner and outlet change , annabond paste , radiator hose set change , front brake pad change , rear brake shoe change , suspension bush kit change , radiator repair and service , self and alternator repair and service. lathe machine works , engine bore boring and new liner fitting and boning and finishing and piston seting , crank shaft main and both bearing setting , cylinder head stripping, cleaning and old valve guide, removing and new guide fitting and valve seat, grinding, vlave fixing and head assy and pressure testing , engine assy removing the veh and stripping and cleaning all parts and engine assy and mounting the veh and self, alternator raditor fitting and veh started testing cooling labou charge , electrical system checking and wheel alignmnet and balancing , timing shain kit change , brake shoe front and change , chain sprocket kit change , kiker change , engine bore reboring, boning and finishing , the above mentioned all parts removing and new parts fitting labour charge , self starter ssy repair service with unservicable parts change, field coil, armature soldering and brush holder and brush change
Tender For bid to ras supply of taking out self starter assembly and replace of the unserviceable parts , carbon bush , solenoid switch , armature rewinding , repair to the alternator and replace the defective part that is cut out switch comma seal comma rotor comma rectifier plate comma bearing etc and reassemble , taking down the wheels comma opening comma dismantling cleaning and greasing of all wheel , disc pad front left and right , disc rotor front left and right , wheel brake cylinders , wheel alignment through computerized system , water servicing of the complete veh with vacum cleaner including washing material , opening comma dismantling and taking down water pump assy due to leakage and refixing with new one , water pump assy , fan belt for water pump , opening comma dismantling and taking down the steering due to hard turning comma ckeck it comma repair oblique overhauling the same and refitting and replace the unsv parts , steering barum , steering bearing , steering seal , steering cross , dismantling and taking out unserviceable wipper assembly and replace the same new set , dismantling and taking out unserviceable spare parts of suspension assembly with replacing the defective parts , suspension bush , suspension rubber kit , opening comma dismantling and taking down the propeller shaft slip joints with universal joint and refixing the same , universal joint , opening comma dismantling and taking down clutch plate assy and refixing , clutch pad , clutch pressure setting lathe work , axle boot , clutch pressure plate , repair oblique replacement of door window machine complete set , repair oblique replacement of wiring of head light assembly complete
Tender For supply of taking the vehicle to workshop and carry out the following repair replacement in maruti omni ba no 13b -113228w , m and l for repairing of engine tunning system including dismantling of parts and servicing complete by replacing following unsv parts , replacement of piston set - 01 set , replacement of piston ring - 01 set , replacement of engine packing kit - 01 set , replacement of head valve - 01 set , replacement of valve guide - 01 set , replacement of main bearing - 01 set , replacement of c r bearing - 01 set , replacement of c r assy - 02 nos , replacement of came bearing - 01 no , replacement of came shaft - 01 no , replacement of spark plug - 03 nos , replacement of clutch pressure plate - 01 set , replacement of fly wheel ring - 01 set , replacement of deco point condiner - 01 set , replacement of suspension arm - 02 nos , replacement of tie rod end - 01 set , replacement of rack and pinion - 01 set , engine lathe and machining work - 01 job , self opening fitting and armiture rewinding - 01 job , labour charge for complete engine oprning fitting overhaulling and servicing - 01 job
Tender For tender for supply of taking down complete toyo load spring leaf from back side including welding to hanging or bracing assembling and replacing worn out safety pin , bolt and nut including replacing new load spring leaf including testing and commissining tempering the or suspension level of vehicle. lifting jack used for replacing the load spring leaf for lifting for reepairing work as specified. , complete floor mat stitching fitting by best quality rexine cloth & foam etc. , repairing of complete front axle including replacement of following parts make maruti suzuki joint assy axle shaft (rhs) 01 set , joint assy axle shaft (lhs) 01 set , front axle housing 1 no. , oil seal 02 set , spindle front wheel 2 nos. , bush 2 nos. including all fitting and testing. , repairing of oil leakage repairing including replacement of following parts make maruti suzuki oil pan 1 no. , oil pan bolt lower 16 nos , timing belt 1 no. including all fitting & testing , repair to king pin system and replacment of 04 nos. king pin bearing , 02 nos. knuckle kit , 04 nos. wheel bearing (front) , 02 nos. wheel bearing (rear) , including greasing and testing. , wiper systemrepairing by replacement of 01 no. wiper motor with linker , 01 set wiper arm with blade including dashboard and replacing rubber feeding of window glass bracer -04nos incluidng complete testing and commissioning. , silencer repairing by welding with plate and changing of 02 nos. silencer mounting , 04 nos. nut bolt including complete and testing , taking down complete load shocker from front side including welding to hanging or bracing assembling and replacing worn out safety pin , bolt and nut including replacing new shocker including testing and commissining of suspension level of vehicle. lifting jack used for replacing the suspension shocker for lifting for reepairing work as specified. , supply of load spring leaf , supply of spring suppport assy , supply of shocker front , supply of dendrite , supply of joint assy axle shaft (rhs) , supply of joint assy axle shaft (lhs) , supply of front axle housing , supply of oil seal , supply of spindle front wheel , supply of bush , supply of oil pan , supply of oil pan bolt lower , supply of timing belt , supply of king pin bearing , supply of knuckle kit , supply of wheel bearing (front) , supply of grease , supply of wiper motor with linker , supply of wiper arm with blade , supply of silencer mounting , supply of silencer bolt , supply of rubber bracer of window glass
Tender For tender for supply of formal cortial suspension device 2025 - formal cortial suspension device titanium with self adjustable loop lenght kotless locking system made of continous polyester continous fiber braided polyethyene with two braided polyester sutures for arthroscopic acl reconstruction using soft tissue graft usfda approved , distal radius volar locking plate bicolumnar type3comma4 and 5 holes ti with appropriate 2point7/3point5mm cotial x4 and locking x5 screws , cemented bipolar hip prosthesis with double triple tapered polished collarless femoral stem 12by14 taper comma 41by42 mm comma 43by44mm comma 45by 46mm comma 47by48mm bipolar outer shell and cobalt chrome femoral head comma usfda approved implants comma including stem centralizer comma cement restrictor comma cement syringe with rubber dam for pressurization comma with one packet fo bone cement 40mg with antibiotics , suture anchors 4point5 mm bioresorbable comma with two preloaded sutures of different colours colour coded usfda approved , ha tricalcium phosphate impregnated coated bioabsorbable interference screws 6 mm 8mm 9mm 10 mm diametercomma 25 mm 35 length usfda ce approved , inj ranibizumab 2 point 3mg per 0point 23ml , inj human insulin analogue promix 25percent insulin lispro 75 percent insulin lispro protamine suspension 100iu per ml , botulinium toxin 200 units inj , decapeptide 2percent w per v 5 ml lotion , cream propyleneglycol 15 mg and lacithin and squalene tube of 100 gm
Tender For supply of duplex check valve with 1.5kg/cm sqr. pressur setting for air suspensionsystem to drg . /spec. as per rdso spec. no. c-k-407 rev-2 or similar to kbi part no. 1.3.1902. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of arhroscopy implants - titanium interference screws 20 to 40mm of 6 to 12mm size, peek interference screws , bioabsorbable interferencescrews , bio composite interference screws , suture disk fortibial fixation , cortical tibial suspension fixation device ,spiked ligament staples , acl fixation button with fixed loopand preloaded passing suture , acl fixation button withadjustable loop and preloaded passing suture , all insidemeniscus repair device with implant , beath pin-guide wirewith eye , 4.5 mm cannulated drill bit for femoral tunnelpreparation in acl surgery , inside out meniscus repairneedles , acromioclavicular joint dislocation repairsystemwith button on oneside and suture disk on other side ,disposable suture passer mini-knee , disposable suturepasser standard shoulder , multifire scorpion needlecompatible to arthrex shoulder scorpion system , uhmw 2-0number fiberwires , uhmw fibertape , shoulder cannula ,shoulder cannula twist in cannula 6mm , shoulder cannulatwist in cannula 8mm , passport button cannula , all sutureanchors 1 to 2 mm , all suture anchors 2 to 3 mm singleloaded , all suture anchors 4 to 6 mm single loaded ,knotted titanium anchors 2 to 3 mm single loaded , knottedtitanium anchors 3 to 4 mm single loaded , knotted titaniumanchors 4 to 6 mm single loaded , knotted titanium anchors2 to 3 mm double loaded , knotted titanium anchors 3 to 4mm double loaded , knotted titanium anchors 4 to 6 mmdouble loaded , knotted peek anchors 2 to 3 mm singleloaded , knotted peek anchors 4 to 6 mm single loaded ,knotted peek anchors 2 to 4 mm double loaded , knottedpeek anchors 4 to 6 mm double loaded , knotless titaniumanchors 4 to 6mm , knotless titanium anchors 2 to 4mm ,knotless peek anchors 2 to 4mm , knotless biocompositeanchors 4 to 6mm , bioabsorbable anchors single loaded 2to 3mm , bioabsorbable anchors single loaded 4 to 6mm ,bioabsorbable anchors double loaded 2 to 3mm ,bioabsorbable anchors double loaded 4 to 6mm , latarjetscrews , disposable suture passer for capsular repair ,radiofrequency ablator compatible with arthrex system
Tender For bid to ras supply of levocloperastine fendizoate oral suspension 35 point 4mg per ml bott of 100ml , icd water seal drainage system with chamber and poor for negative suction , scar free nasal pad skin friendly high absorption pad for cpap and bipap masks , indwelling pleural catheter adult with drainage line replacement valve valve cap pre evacuated bottl , dispo ambu ascope 3 flexible videoscope large , dispo ambu ascope 3 flexible videoscope medium , dispo ambu ascope 3 flexible videoscope ultraslim , vibrating mesh drug delivery system for stand alone