Tender For supply of vertical damper for secondary air spring suspension arrangement to drg.n o. dmu/dpc5-0-5-503, alt-k/6, item no.-4 and guarantee shall be as per clause-8 of specification c-8703 rev.3 of apr 2023 . material and specification as per drawing [ warran ty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of secondary vertical damper for wag9 locos as per clw specification no. clw/ms/3/009, alt-3 or latest and clw drawing no.1209.01.215.014,ref-2,alt-2 or latest
Tender For supply of primary vertical damper for train-18 coaches to drg.no. train18/mc/ac-0-1-009, item-1, alt 'b'--- and in compliance to rdso specification rdso/cg-18005---- or en-13802 (latest revision). 1. firm has to submit oem drawings with detailed dimensions & characteristics. 2. type test shall be conforming to rdso cg-18005 (latest revision) or en13802. 3. service trials shall be as per rdso cg-18005 (latest revision).
Tender For supply of primary vertical damper for train-18 emu us & memu us coaches to drg. no.train 18/mc/ac- 0-1-009,item-1, alt. b & in compliance to rdso specn.rdso/cg-18005/en-13802(latest revision). [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of primary vertical damper for all lhb coaches fitted with fiat bogies as per rdso drg. no.rdso/cg/ drg/21047 alt- nil or latest [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of primary vertical hydraulic damper specification :- item 1 of drg. skvl-295 alt-2 with lat est spec.-mp. rev.02 with latest [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of secondary vertical damper for fiat bogie of lhb non-ac coaches to rdso drg. no. rdso/cg/drg/21018, alt. '2' and conforming to rsdo specification no. rdso/cg-18005 rev. 01. [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of secondary vertical damper for non ac coaches with fiat bogie to rdso drg. no. rdso/cg/drg/21018, alt.2 [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of secondary vertical damper for lhb coaches. drawing no. :- rdso/cg/drg/21046 alt (2),specification no. :- rdso/cg-18005 rev.(1). [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For supply of primary vertical damper for all type of lhb coaches to rdso drg. no. rdso/cg/drg/21047 al t 2, confirming to rdso specification no. rdso-cg-18005 rev 1 [ warranty period: 30 months after the da te of delivery ]