Tender For providing of manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; bembama masters in development studies public policy governance education or social work; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; m com; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; bcom or equivalent with one of the subject with 01 year experience in handling accounts; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; secondary school; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; 1post graduate in social work or psychology with a certificate course in gender studies; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; post graduation in civil engineering; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skilled; masters degree in special education or masters degree in any discipline with at least one year regular coursecertification in special education or therapy; others,manpower outsourcing services - minimum wage - semi-skill
Tender For supply of books - a chronicle of educational research , a complete textbook on soft skills , a discourse on educational programmes in india -uee, ssa, rte, rmsa, rusa , abnormal psychology- causes and remedies , action research and grounded theory- evidence-based practices in education , adulthood, family and community needs , advanced educational psychology , advanced methods of physical and health education , advances in entomology , agenda for education- design and direction , art education- concepts, epistemacy and role , a s d and associated conditions , assessment and teaching methods for children with asd , assistive technology for students with specific learning disabilities , autism, nature and needs , autism spectrum disorders- nature, needs and etiology , autism spectrum disorders -asd- diagnosis, treatments and support groups , basic ideas in educational psychology , career guidance and counselling- principles and techniques , causes, prevention, identification and assessment of mental retardation , cerebral palsy- symptoms, causes and treatment , characteristics of children with developmental disabilities , child development and learning , child education and learning process , child survival and safe motherhood- experiences from india , children with autism- a study on the impact of parents psycho-social factors , children with mental retardation and associated disabilities , chronology of science and technology- 4000 b.c.-2000 a.d. , clinical psychology- basic and advanced aspects , commerce education and teaching- elements and dimensions , community work for vocationaltraining and employment ofpersons with mental retardation , conceptual and practical aspects of english teaching , contemporary india and education , contemporary india and education , critical issues in special education , curricular strategies , curricular strategies and adaptation of children with mental retardation , curriculum and educational programme , development of education system in india , development of independent living skills andteaching-learning material -tlm , dictionary of information communication technology -ict , dictionary of special education , disability and special needs- dimensions and perspectives , disability development in india , disability- family and community , diversity in teacher education- a global perspective , dyslexia and other learning disabilities-diagnosis and treatment , early childhood care and education- principles and practices , early childhood special education- an introduction , educating children with learning disabilities , education and human development , education and society- concepts, perspectives and suppositions , education for the 21st century in resurgent india , education in emerging indian society , education in the emerging indian society , education in the emerging indian societyand school administration , education of children with special needs , education of exceptional children- challenges and strategies , education of the gifted and talented children , educational guidance- identifying major avenues and arena , educational psychology shikha , educational psychology and child development , educational technology and management yogendra k. sharma , elementary educational technology and management , elements and components of educational psychology , emerging trends in teaching of physics , encyclopedia of education , entrepreneurial training- theory and practice exploited children- , entrepreneurial training- theory and practice exploited children- , a comprehensive blueprint for child labour rehabilitation , foundations of inclusive education , fundamentals of mental health education , futurology of education- the indian context , gender, school and society- concepts, issues and options , gender, school and society- theories and practices , global outlook on education guidebook on educational psychology theory , for d.ed.se -mr, d.ed.se-vi d.ed.se-deaf,hard of hearing , handbook
Tender For work related to purchase of printed envelopes of machine laminated shrink-free kraft paper with cloth line for the high school/intermediate examinations of the year 2025 of the board of secondary education, uttar pradesh, prayagraj,
Tender For corrigendum : repairing work of roof, construction of 03 lecture rooms by dismantling 06 lecture rooms and repairing work of toilets in education department (old commerce faculty building) at deen dayal upadhyay gorakhpur university
Tender For general-general education -constructionof second floor building for anthatta gups school koyilandy -in kozhikode district- general civil work
Tender For preregistration work of class ixth and pre & post examination processing of high school, higher secondary, diploma in elementary education and diploma in physical education examinationfor the exam year 2025 to 2027