Tender For certain repair to perimeter lights including replacment of rusted /damaged pole and distribution network and repair to high mast light and connected item in tech and domestic area at af station chandigarh under ge af chandigarh
Tender For corrigendum : ca no ge(u)/chm-53/2024-25 repair and maint of ext electric lt distribution network and connected item of work at md accn areas under ge (u) chandimandir
Tender For supply of rc network for compact silicon rectifier rsi blocks as per rdso specification no. el rs/spec/rsi/0030 & clw/es/r-33 & clw/es/b-14 (using capacitor of rating 0.47 mfd, 2000 v ac) i.e. 16 no 's of 0.47 mfd msr type capacitors fitted on one damping board for compact rsi. (item is reserved for clw approved sources only). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]