Tender For invitataion of annual tender for financial year 2025- 2026 of supplying of spare parts instruments and other relevant items for repairing and maintenance of making leakages and choke up in water supply distribution line for municipal council darwha
Tender For operation and maintenance water supply schemes cwss to kollengode muthalamada and vadavannur repair works of pumping and distribution line for the year 2025-26 repair works of pumping and distribution line for the year 2025-26
Tender For operation and maintenance water supply schemes cwss to nemmara and adj panchayaths repair works of pumping and distribution line for the year 2025 26 nemmara panchayath repair works of pumping and distribution line for the year 2025 26
Tender For supply of drinking water as per daily requirement at various area by contractor s own tankers for the period of one year from water distribution center of smc in south west (athwa) zone.3rd attempt
Tender For supplying of various building material for distribution system for water supply scheme financial year 2024-2025 at mogare tal.igatpuri dist.nashik