Tender For providing of custom bid for services - collection transportation and disposal of hazardous waste on bimonthly basis at diesel loco shed vijayawada for period of two years schedule a landfill after treatment 5mt,custom bid for services - schedule b incineration 70 mt,custom bid for services - schedule c transportation 75 mt
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - door to door collection and disposal of waste garbage waste management and cleaniness sanitation of railway colonies at bpb and pngm for a period of two years
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - cleaning work and allied activities of diesel loco shed visakhapatnam and disposal of nonhazardous solid waste garbage generated at diesel loco shed visakhapatnam to gvmc nominated dumping yard visakhapatnam for a period of ..
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - solid waste management ie segregation processing and disposal of municipal solid waste generated on daily basis in cantonment area and processing the legacy waste as per msw rules 2016 on a long terms basis of design build o..