Tender For contraction of drain and development road padakoti ward no. 16 from fakhru maulanas house to pethes house, from maktumbi madarakhandis house to maktuma jamadars house, from hatela shamsherkhans house to anand kulkarnis house, in front of male and female public toilet, from hussain panalagadas house to liakata shirolas house, from davala yadawadas house to saramada shirolas house, from ingales house to kulkarnis house, from hasena hussains dargah to jiddi stream, on the side of banyan tree near the stream, from gidadannas house to maruti kales house, from et mallappas house to basavaraja ets house, dada madarakhandis house to praveena kales house to his house, manju jogis house to subhas jadavas house, near rk kulkarnis house, from basuraja nishandaras house to pattaras house, from masjid to belgaum road
Tender For construction of rcc and pcc retaining wall of motorable road footpath side drain flooring starting from raju pan shop to vimal tirkey azad ali house at nariyal bagicha ward no 11
Tender For roads safety work road safety work at various road under city 2 -rectification of side drain tiling footpath and allied works in kalady maruthoorkkadavu road in near kalady school from ch 0-000 to ch 0 270 karamana thaliyal kalady road from ch 1 595
Tender For construction of cow catcher and step near harish house and construction of rcc road side drain from chadrashekhar house to aruna house at vaidyanathanagara of 19th pachchanady ward in mcc limits
Tender For construction of cc road and drain with slab from h.o tapas debnath to h.o santi ranjan datta at back side of road college tilla, health centre under ward no-31, annual maintenance contract
Tender For de-silting of pusta road nalla from 28 ft road to mariginal bandh road both side sh1- 1st, 60 percent of desilting of drain in 1nd phase from 16.01.2025 to 15.06.2025 sh2- 40 percent of desilting of drain in 2nd phase from 16.06.2025 to 15.01.2026 in