Tender For supply , installation & commissioning of pneumatically operated pressure gauge calibration test bench along with master pressure gauge 02 no & accessories as per attached annexure.
Tender For procurement of spares for su-30 mki aircraft - sling pod level lifting (mk32b-754), template (for canopy sagging check), multipurpose electronic frequency meter with frequency converter for no11m, rat test fixture, wave guide co-axial converter, panel for test bench of r-098-3, stand for test bench for r-805, optical index (required during calibration of pu-2), power meter for ram, specific to type test equipments for 1410as, ncdr and ceu atp test equipment for configration 1, control pannel with key board for r800l2e, bd-04 interface loom for integration of mk-84 gp bomb, wire, 6 o/p power supply module, gps cable (brahmos), bush (maznut)
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : tender for supply of calbench for mechanical calibration lab at nai ark - calbench heavy duty version (w2000 x d850 x h1568mm) framework bench style with worktop , perforated panel , primary console with 7082 mains power controller module , customised perforated panel with 40 piece tool hook kit , perforated shelf (w 450 x d 250 x h 130 mm) for tools and fitting , neodymium triple plated perforated magnet set with 10 x round , 10 x hook type , 5 drawer unit (w 525 x d 550 x h 600 mm) with central locking system , pack of 16 metric inserts for 8072 (3 mm to 20 mm holes) , slotted divider kit for drawers inside 7132 , cpu/ dry block calibrator holder , variable ac and dc power supply modules , antistatic mats included with bonding plugs , wrist strap & leads
Tender For design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of air dryer test bed as per rdsos tec hnical circular no. rdso/2011/el/tc/0108, rev0 dated -07.03.2011 and technical details mentioned in an nexure enclosed. air dryer test bench should be plc based model and the test bench should have data acq uisition dedicated software, digital display and printing facility. calibration certificate for all the measuring i nstrument provided in the test bench should be provided along with supply. [ warranty period: 30 month s after the date of delivery ]
Tender For providing of calibration services - relay test bench test sets available at lcc rtm; relay test bench test sets available at lcc rtm; nabl labs, csir labs, state govt labs, any other government approved labs / service provider; hybrid (detailed in scope of work..
Tender For procurement of gpte equipment - e3632a e36232a power supplies 0 to 32v and 150w , exr104a dsox3054a mixed signal oscilloscope digitial oscilloscope bench top , n1913b power meter with power sensor , emc 22 electric motor checker , wt1012 high end soldering desoldering station , we1010 low end soldring desoldring station , 83 3340 simplifiber pro optical power meter , tdr500 3 cable fault detector power cable , n9915c handheld cable and antenna analyzer 10ghz , 53230a portable battery operated rf frequency counter dc to 15 ghz , n9961b handheld microwave spectrum analyzer 44 ghz with rf cable , e4440a n9918b spectrum analyzer 3hz 26 5ghz handheld microwave analyzer , n5193a e8257d 540 signal generator 10mhz 40ghz along with accessories , e8257d 520 signal generator 20 ghz , fluke 437 ii flk 1777 advanced power quality and energy analyzer , bird 43 directional through line watt meter , n9917b handheld vswr meter 18 ghz with calibration kit rf cable
Tender For electronics lab items - semiconductor & power semiconductor device trainer, rectifier, filter, zener regulator experiment trainer, power semiconductor trainer, power electronics trainer, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, pcm,dpcm / adpcm modulator and demodulator trainer, delta, adaptive delta, sigma delta, cvsd modulator & demodulator, ask, fsk, psk, qpsk bpsk modulator & demodulator, frequency modulation & demodulation techniques, am / fm radio receiver trainer, pam-ppm-pwm and line coding techniques, microwave test bench (klystron based), advanced microwave test bench (gunn based), antenna training setup (big version) antenna training system, cdma modulation / demodulation trainer, fiber optics cable trainer, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, local area network (lan) trainer kit, digital logic gates trainer, half/full adder, subtractor, alu trainer, flip flop, counters & shift register trainer, multiplexer, decoder & encoder, digital trainer, 8051/89c51 microcontroller development and training platform, arm micro controller development platform, dc/ac bridge trainer, calibration of voltmeter and ammeter trainer, calibration of wattmeter using phantom loading, lcr meter (digital), displacement sensing transducers trainer, temperature sensing transducers trainer, strain gauge transducer trainer, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, operational amplifier circuit trainer, analog to digital and digital to analog trainer, experimentation with astable and monostable multivibrator, understanding and experimentation with digital ics, digital multimeter 3 digit) ,4000 counts, lrc meter, tong tester, pcb prototype machine, voltmeter, ammeter, ammeter, dc/ac bridge trainer, dc slide wire potentiometer, cromptpn potentiometer, single phase energy meter, q-meter meter, 50mhz economy digital storage oscilloscope, displacement sensing transducers trainer, advanced microwave test bench (gunn based), fiber optics cable trainer, cdma trainer kit, plc trainer kit, control system trainer kit