Tender For extension and raising of retaining wall of rub and road surface and providing hump to prevent rain water in 74 nos. rub's of sarupsar-sri ganganagar and sri ganganagar-gogameri section and waterproofing treatment of rub nos. 68a, 71a, 75a, 76a, 77a, 78a and 78aa in sarupsar-sri ganganagar section under aden/hanumangarh-ii.
Tender For corrigendum : 8159 special repair to roof with waterproofing treatment of building p 02 of integrated commercial department at naval dockyard and repair replacement of earth pits and earth strips of eps building p 192 for c no 45 eps department at naval dockyard
Tender For special repair to broken chajjas roof treatment, plinth protection, repair of drains, replacement of wooden panel, external colour surface, internal colour surface and provn of scooter, car parking shed behind building no p-5 with hard standing at dinjan
Tender For waterproofing treatment in terminal building and aai residential quarters and provision of entry gate for residential colony and chain link fencing surrounding the open area in front of engineering block at civil airport pantnagar.
Tender For restoration of rain damages jsv division jawali in tehsil jawali distt kangra hp sh waterproofing treatment of storage tank various cap collection tank at lwss jawali and ohsr at wss mawa