Tender For supply of auxiliary reservoir supporting bracket for bcna wagon to rdso's drg.no.wd - 90030 - s - 56, item no.2, alt.no. 5. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of hose pipe from auxiliary reservoir to apm (knorr design) of air brake wagons having bm bs. specification :- (i) as per rdso specification no. wd 23-bmbs-2008 (rev. 1) with amendment no. 1 of s ept 2016. (ii) as per rdso drg. no. wd-09034-s-11, alt. 11, item no. 23. (iii) as per kbi part no. 1.4.2037 (iv) suitable to fitment of 10" bogie mounted brake cylinder (knorr design & kbi part no. 1.3.5113 / 1.4.20 34) of air brake wagons having bmbs(knorr desgin) [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of deliver y ]
Tender For supply of auxiliary reservoir for emu/memu as per drg. no. er/kpa/el pn.3he.2485a. [ warrant y period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of auxiliary reservoir suspension strap drawing no.:- contr-9405-s/15, alt-9, item no-13 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of drain cock assembly for auxiliary reservoir(200 ltrs), to drawing / specification no. rd so spec. no. 02-abr-02, amendment no.4 of sep 2016, rdso drg no. sk.98003, alt-nil, item no. 1 to 13 in assembled condition, material & spec. as per drawing. [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For the work for change of main transformer oil pipeline assembly along with auxiliary reservoir for 100 nos. conventional emu/memu motor coaches having accessibility issue under dy.cee/w/kpa organization, kanchrapara on open tender basis
Tender For supply of auxiliary reservoir suspension strap. drawing no. : rdso,s drg. no. wd- 81035-s-07, al t-04, item no. 07. material and specification : as per drawing. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of drain cock assembly for auxiliary reservoir (200 litres) to rdso sketch-98003,alt.'nil' an d rdso spec.no.02-abr-02 with amend. no. 4 of sept'16 & appendix-c. [ warranty period: 36 mont hs after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of auxiliary reservoir 75 litres for boxnhl and bcnhl wagon as per rdso's drg no. wd-92051-s-02, alt no. 4 and rdso's specn no.02-abr-02 with 4 amendments - last amendment no. 4 issued in sept'2016 and with appendix - c [ warranty period: 36 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of drain cock assembly complete for auxiliary reservoir (200 liters) to rdso sk n o.96081, alt. 5 item no.13 & rdso sk no.98003, alt.nil. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]