Tender For medical, surgical, laboratory and post-mortem equipments - medical, surgical, laboratory and post-mortem equipments, digital ir thermometer, stethoscope, micro chip reader, examination table ss top large - 8ft x 4ft, examination table ss top medium - 6ft x 2.5ft, instrument trolley with ss top on caster wheels-ss, mayo trolley - ss, medicine trolley- ss, instrument cabinet, metallic, painted white and glass front, hand wash basin with stand - ss, iv stand- ss, electric sterilizer (12x4x6 in)- ss, patient stretcher canvas - 6 x3 , ss kidney tray 6", ss kidney tray 8", ss tray with lid 8 x 8 , autoclave 100ltr, refrigerator 250 ltr double door, automatic washing machine top loading - 6l, fumigator (fogster), fly catchers, uv lamps for theatre disinfection, platform weighing balance 500 kg, knives various type and size, axe various size, chain-saw, hand hammer, hand saw- ss (small & medium size), chisel - ss, hooks - ss, carts on roller/ wheel barrow, metal detector, pm cleaning room ower jet water cleaner, binocular research microscope with battery back-up, centrifuge machine, electronic weighing balance upto 100gms, hiviral transport medium, haemoglobinometer, refrigerator for reagent storage, -20 deep freezer -200l vertical, blood vacutainers, syringes 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 50ml