Tender For supply of (ami no.25m14/25-26) macro porous partially absorbable mesh composed of polypropyl ene and poliglecaprone 25 with pore size 2.7mm having a weight of 39g/m2 +/- 5%, and containing blue orientation stripes of polypropylene. assorted . usfda / bis approved ]
Tender For bid to ras tender for supply of cord clamp for new born , inj lignocaine 2 parcentage without preservative for iv use comma 50 ml vial , mephentermine 30mg inj , phenytoin sodium 100mg oblik ml comma vial comma inj , phenylephrine 500mg oblik ml inj , battery for glucometer , biological indictor for steam sterlization process , bowie dick packs for steam sterilisation process , central line comma double lumen 4 oblik 4 point 5fg , chemical indicator strips class vi for steam sterilisation process box of 250 strips , suction tubing with yankuer tip , disposable gown wrap around reinforced with 2 hand wipes large size , extension line with 3 way stop cock 100 cm , extension line with 3 way stop cock 50 cm , hme filter adult , stimuplex needle a 25 with 30 bevel comma needle size 0 point 55 x 25mm 24g x 1 inch , leadercath 18fg with introducer needle comma guidewire comma cathetar 18fg , leg u drape , multi rate ambulatory infusor set lv 5 oblik 7 oblik 12 ml oblik hr comma baxter , neodisher instrument cleaner , nitinol hydrophilic guide wire 140 180 cm length 0 point 035 terumo like , nrb mask , micro optic gloves powder free size 6 point 5 , micro optic gloves powder free size 7 , micro optic gloves powder free size 7 point 5 , nebulisation chamber , umbellical venous catheter 3 point 5 fr , umbellical venous catheter 5 fr , dispo half apron impermeable , hiv kit disposable containing disposable head cover point cap 01 comma eye shield oblik goggle 01 pair comma fogfree surgeons mask 01 comma impermeable apron 01 comma surgeons gown 01 waterproof comma impermeable arm guard 01 comma impermeable 01 leg guard comma gloves 02 pairs point , closed wound suction set size 10fg romovac drain , closed wound suction set size 14fg romovac , closed wound suction set size 16fg romovac drain , closed wound suction set size 18fg romovac drain , closed wound suction set size 8fg romovac drain , mersilk 3 oblik 0 cutting 25mm , mersilk atraumatic size 1 reverse cutting needle 1 oblik 2 circle 30 40 mm , polypropylene blue monofilament 70 100 cm size 2 oblik 0 comma 1 oblik 2 circle rb comma 20 30 mm nedle , suture polyamide monofilament size 1 oblik 0 comma 70 90 cm comma 3 oblik 8 circle reverse cutting 30 40 mm needle , synthetic absorbable polyglactin 910 oblik polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 1 oblik 0 comma 70 90 cms 1 oblik 2 circle rb comma 30 40mm , suction cathetor size 10 fr , cautery pencil long lead , fogarty arterial embolectomy cath s 04 fg , reloadable linear cutter 55 60 mm x 1 with 12 green reloads of the same company , reloadable linear cutter 75 80 mm x 1 with 12 green reloads , sterile marking pen with scale , surgical fibrillar size 1x2 comma pkt of 10 , surgical fibrillar size 4x4 comma pkt of 10 , polyster composite mesh with absorbable collagen baner parietex composit mesh 15x15 , abdominal drain kit 20fg , abdominal drain kit s 28 fg , abdominal drain kit s 24 fg , central line triple lumen 7 oblik 7 point 5 fg , nitrous gas , cylinder co2 gas for
Tender For supply of 663 486 gi ot - three dimensional polypropylene based mesh , umbilical hernia patch with positioning strap , polyester composite dual layer mesh with resorbable
Tender For procurement of med stores - disc polishing for composite, snap-on consisting of medium, coarse and fine grit pkt of 50-75 discs with 2-3 mandrels, bracket roth 0.018 swa with first and second molar tubes in set, brush bristle mounted small cup- shaped for right angle handpiece, box of 12, paste impression pkt of two tubes (one white and one red), gutta percha points 2% set of 02 boxes of size 15 to 40 and 45 to 80 (box of 120), lining cavity composite cal hyd based photocure - syringe of 5 - 7 gm with applicator tips, material plastic glass ionomer photo cure for linning and luting powder 10 to 15 gm and liquid, sol sod hypochloride 2% for endodontic irrigation bott of 500 ml, matrix retainer ss lvory pattern band for pkt of 12 for molars and premolars, outfit matrix ss (siqveland) bands narrow for packet of 12, points absorbent root canal assorted box of 6 tubes containing assorted sizes, root canal sealer paste for obturation containing two tubes preloaded syringes, universal self etching cum bonding system (sixth generation) 1-2 bottles of4-6 ml each with corresponding applicator tip, strip polyster colour coded 0.95cm x 10 cm box of 100, bone graft biphasic synthetic hydroxyapatite and beta tricalcium phosphate granules 0.5-1cc, articulating paper, disposable tubing and phaco pack, phacohand piece, polyamide monofilament size 5/0, 60-70 cm 3/8 circle cutting 15-20 mm, polydioxanone size 1, 90 cm, 1/2 circle needle, 40 -45 mm, polydioxanone size 3/0, 70-75 cms,1/2 circle rb 20-25 cms, polyglicaprone size 2/0 ,70-75 cm 1/2 circle round body 30 -40 mm, polyglicaprone size 3/0 ,70-75 cm 1/2 circle rb 20-25 mm, polyglicaprone size 3/0, 70-75 cm 3/8 circle cutting 20-25 mm, polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cm size 3/0, 3/8 circle rb 13-25 mm, polypropylene blue monofilament, 70 -75 cm, size 4 -0, 1/2 circle rb, 25 mm double needle, polypropylene blue monofilament, 70 -75 cm, size 1, 3/8 circle reverse cutting,12 mm, polypropylene blue monofilament, 70 -75 cm, size 4 -0, 1/2 circle rb, 13 mm double needle, polypropylene mesh 6 cm x 11 cm (box of 6), silk braided, size 1 -0, 70 -76 cm, taper cut 1/2 circle needle 25 mm, silk braided, size 1 -0, 70 -76 cm, rb 3/8 circle needle 45 mm, silk braided, size 2 -0, 1 reel x 25 mtrs, silk braided size 3/0, 70-76 cm rb 1/2 circle needle 20-25 mm, silk braided size 4/0, 70-76 cm rb 1/2 circle needle 20-25 mm, silk braided size 4/0, 70-76 cm rb 3/8 circle needle 12-16 mm, synthetic absorabable polygalactin rapid absorption 2/0, 80-90 cms,1/2 circle cutting ,30-40 mm double arm, synthetic absorbable polygalactin 910/polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 3/0, 70-90 cms, 1/2 circle rb 20-25 mm, synthetic absorbable polygalactin 910/polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 3/0, 70-90 cms, 3/8 circle reverse cutting 20-25 mm, synthetic absorbable polygalactin 910/polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 4/0, 70-90 cms, 1/2 circle rb 16-20 mm
Tender For procurement of med stores - disc polishing for composite, snap-on consisting of medium, coarse and fine grit pkt of 50-75 discs with 2-3 mandrels, bracket roth 0.018 swa with first and second molar tubes in set, brush bristle mounted small cup- shaped for right angle handpiece, box of 12, paste impression pkt of two tubes (one white and one red), gutta percha points 2% set of 02 boxes of size 15 to 40 and 45 to 80 (box of 120), lining cavity composite cal hyd based photocure - syringe of 5 - 7 gm with applicator tips, material plastic glass ionomer photo cure for linning and luting powder 10 to 15 gm and liquid, sol sod hypochloride 2% for endodontic irrigation bott of 500 ml, matrix retainer ss lvory pattern band for pkt of 12 for molars and premolars, outfit matrix ss (siqveland) bands narrow for packet of 12, points absorbent root canal assorted box of 6 tubes containing assorted sizes, root canal sealer paste for obturation containing two tubes preloaded syringes, universal self etching cum bonding system (sixth generation) 1-2 bottles of4-6 ml each with corresponding applicator tip, strip polyster colour coded 0.95cm x 10 cm box of 100, bone graft biphasic synthetic hydroxyapatite and beta tricalcium phosphate granules 0.5-1cc, articulating paper, disposable tubing and phaco pack, phacohand piece, polyamide monofilament size 5/0, 60-70 cm 3/8 circle cutting 15-20 mm, polydioxanone size 1, 90 cm, 1/2 circle needle, 40 -45 mm, polydioxanone size 3/0, 70-75 cms,1/2 circle rb 20-25 cms, polyglicaprone size 2/0 ,70-75 cm 1/2 circle round body 30 -40 mm, polyglicaprone size 3/0 ,70-75 cm 1/2 circle rb 20-25 mm, polyglicaprone size 3/0, 70-75 cm 3/8 circle cutting 20-25 mm, polypropylene blue monofilament 70-75 cm size 3/0, 3/8 circle rb 13-25 mm, polypropylene blue monofilament, 70 -75 cm, size 4 -0, 1/2 circle rb, 25 mm double needle, polypropylene blue monofilament, 70 -75 cm, size 1, 3/8 circle reverse cutting,12 mm, polypropylene blue monofilament, 70 -75 cm, size 4 -0, 1/2 circle rb, 13 mm double needle, polypropylene mesh 6 cm x 11 cm (box of 6), silk braided, size 1 -0, 70 -76 cm, taper cut 1/2 circle needle 25 mm, silk braided, size 1 -0, 70 -76 cm, rb 3/8 circle needle 45 mm, silk braided, size 2 -0, 1 reel x 25 mtrs, silk braided size 3/0, 70-76 cm rb 1/2 circle needle 20-25 mm, silk braided size 4/0, 70-76 cm rb 1/2 circle needle 20-25 mm, silk braided size 4/0, 70-76 cm rb 3/8 circle needle 12-16 mm, synthetic absorabable polygalactin rapid absorption 2/0, 80-90 cms,1/2 circle cutting ,30-40 mm double arm, synthetic absorbable polygalactin 910/polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 3/0, 70-90 cms, 1/2 circle rb 20-25 mm, synthetic absorbable polygalactin 910/polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 3/0, 70-90 cms, 3/8 circle reverse cutting 20-25 mm, synthetic absorbable polygalactin 910/polyglycolic acid coated with polycaprolate size 4/0, 70-90 cms, 1/2 circle rb 16-20 mm
Tender For tender for supply of nephro icu and ot mesh - polysulphone polyethersulphone plasmafilter for plasmapharesis with tubing 0.4 to 0.6 sqm , , pre heparinized syringe with lithium heparin , 3 ml , without safety needle. , premheparinized syringe with lithium heparin , 3ml with safety needle , tissue separating multilayer mesh for intra abdominal open and laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. soft polypropylene mesh clubbed with polydiaxanone layer and has an oxidized regenerated cellulose on visceral side.size 15 cmx15cm , 3 dimentional polyester mesh with micro porosity , x stich macro porosicty and multidirectional elasticity with optimised atello collagen 1 absorbable anti adhesive barrier and pre fixed transabdominal sutures size 12 circular , 3 dimentional polyester mesh with micro porosity , x stich macro porosicty and multidirectional elasticity with optimised atello collagen 1 absorbable anti adhesive barrier and pre fixed transabdominal sutures size 20cm circular , 3 dimentional polyester mesh with micro porosity , x stich macro porosicty and multidirectional elasticity with optimised atello collagen 1 absorbable anti adhesive barrier and pre fixed transabdominal sutures size 15cm circular , light weight , filament reinforced polypropylene mesh with large pore size 1.5mm and 60gm m2 wt with blue guidelines 15 x15 cm , tissue separating multilayer mesh for intra abdominal open and laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. soft polypropylene mesh clubbed with polydiaxanone layer and has an oxidized regenerated cellulose on visceral side.size 10cmx20cm , monofilament polypropylene mesh size 8cmx13cm , endo tracheal catheter mount with tubing 22 taper connection
Tender For tender for supply of amisulpride 200 mg tab , ethambutol 800mg tab , fas kit , fluvoxamine 50 mg cap , frusemide 10 mg ml 30 ml syp , glibebclamide 5mg tab , glucosamine 250mg pluse chondroitin sulphate 200 mg cap , glucostrips for glucometer one touch select plus bott of 25 strips , glycerin glycerol in bottle of 1 kg , indomethacin 75 mg sr tab , ipratropium bromide respirator soln 500 mcg 2 ml respule , iron drops paediatric containing ferrous fumerate 25mg bott of 15ml , levetiracetam 100 mg ml syr soln liquid , levo-salbutamol syrup 1 mg 5ml bottle of 100 ml , levosulpiride 25 mg tab , linezolid infusion 200mg to 300 mg 100ml , maplesom non rebreathing system bains circuit , methotrexate 15 mg tab , neurobion forte inj , nimesulide gel tube of 20 gm , nsal spray mometasone , ondansetron syp 2 mg 5ml in bott of 30 ml , oseltamivir 75 mg cap , pancreatic enzyme supplement with a lipase content of 25000 units or more cap , paracetamol 150mg ml 2 ml iv inj , perindopril 8mg tab , polypropylene mesh 15 15 cmsmesh prosthesis for hernia medium light weight , polypropylene mesh 6 cm 11 cm box of 6 , prednisolone syp 5mg 5ml in bott of 30 ml , pu dressing with pad 5 7 point 2 cm , pulv neosporin , serratiopeptidase 5mg tab , sevelamir 800 mg tab , silk braided size no 1 70 76 cms taper cutting 1 by 2 circle needle 25mm , spray analgesic , sterilized suture polyglactin size 1 1 by 2 circle 40 mm round body , streptokinase 15 lacs iu inj , sumatriptan 50 mg tab , syp calcium phosphate 200 mg 5 ml , testosterone propionate 250 mg inj , tetanus toxoid purified absorbed rubber capped vial of 5 ml 10 doses , triamcinolone acetate 40 mg ml inj , trypsin with chymotrypsin tab , vit b complex with vit b1 b6 vit b12 5mcg therapeutic tab , warming blankets whole body , zidovudine 300mg pulse lamivudine 150mg pluse nevirapine 200mg tab