Tender For bid to ras repair and servicing of tata mobile 17c106194e - labour only for taking out us engine oil from chamber completely and refillling the engine oil of grade 20w40 7500 ltr , m and l for replacement of oil filter complete make purolator , m and l for replacement of fuel filter complete make purolator , m and l for replacement of differential oil grade 80 w 90 complete make castrol , m and l for replacement of brake oil complete make castrol , dismantling brake assembly repair and refix after replacing fwg spares rubber bush 01 brake liner 02 nos , m and l for wheel alignment of veh wheels and wheel balancing incl wheel rotation as directed , m and l taking down self strter for repair and replacement of unsv parts such as bendex, solenoid coil carbon brush and armature as directed , taking dow nad disconnecting radiator from vehicle and cleaning after adding radiator cleaning agent including refiling new coolant 01ltr with 03 ltr , opening of all electrical and mech connections of alternator assembly taking out unserviceable carbon plate commutator s and f of carbon plate , washing and cleaning of complete veh greasing and oiling of all moveable parts of veh , wiring check up and replacemtne of wipre blasde 01 set and tail light assy 02 head light 02 nos tail bulb 4 wiper moter assy 01 to be replaced , complete taking out of clutch plate pressure plate relasing bearing properly checking of replacement of unsv cluthc plate-01 , taking out old unsv water body from the vehicle supply and fixing of water body including connection of all joints , s and f of the new rexine seat cover for all the seats , complete removal of foot mat s and f of new foot mat stitched to fit on to the veh after removing the seats and cleaning the internal cabin , s and f of the dust collecting rubber foot rest set of 4 nos and gear rod cover , s and f in repair manual fuel pump as per existing make all as per direction of enginer in charge , m and l for removing of denting at various places of veh carriage and panting of the veh with existing.
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of 16b 121777e - repair oblic overhauling oblic washing replacing the unserviceable parts with new parts checking of leakage oiling greasing where required of gypasy ba no 16b 121777e at ge ep jodhpur , parts of vehicle to be replaced , distilled water and electrolyte solution for bty , gear oil 80w90 , coolant , engine oil 05w40 , oil filter , fuel filter , wheel cover , foot mat , mud flap , maintenance and labour work required , wheel alignment and wheel balancing , air filter cleaning , complete greasing i e wheel hub shaft nipple , bty charging , break bleeding , transmission oil changing , radiator flushing , polishing and buffing , cleaning of fuel tank and fuel line to the engine , calibration of doors , complete servicing and tuning of vehicle
Tender For tender for supply of repair to tata xenon - mechanical , water servicing and electrical labour charges , oil filter make mico , engine oil make servo , diesel filter make mico , fog lamps assy , centre track rod assy , tie rod arm lh and rh , gear shifter kit complete.tata , front brake pad set. , assy rear spring parabolic. make tata , exhaust manifold tata , clutch plate set make luk , rear brake shoe set make driveline , head lamp set make mico , engine control unit make tata , overhauling of self starter , armature rewinding , replacement of carbon brush , , wheel alignment and wheel balancing , minor denting and painting complete.
Tender For supply of wash point-pump water working pressure 45kg per cm2 , hydraulic ram , tyre removing machine , tyre inflater , co2 extinguisher , air compressor , nylon wire bride hose , gi, b class pipe , sliding jack-hydraulic trolley jack for light and heavy duty vehicles , pneumatic operated greasing machine -50 kg drum capacity , pneumatic operated greasing machine -25 kg drum capacity , battery charger , electric welding , gas welding set , puncture repair machine , grinding machine , bench vices-size 10 inch , digital insulation tester-megger , wheel balancing machine , battery cell tester , hydrometer , tool box trolley , battery operated trolley , vacuum cleaner , foot pump , clamp meter , portable spray or jet hot water washer , installation testing and commissioning charges
Tender For supply of set of balancing weights for balancing lhb wheel sets as per abro drg no: ns- w1676-fs. consisting of 3 items to suit profile curvature of lhb wheel discs: item no 1) weig ht-50 grams, qty -1 no, item no 2) weight-80 grams, qty-1 no, and item no 3) weight- 130 gram s qty-2 nos [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For bid to ras supply of repair oblique repair of eicher vehicle ba no 04d 162056w at af station memaura - complete vehicle servicing with replacement of following spares , fuel filter , oil filter , bypass filter , air filter , engine oil , fan belt , gear oil , assy hose air filter outlet , labour charge for servicing , servicing and cleaning of radiator complete with acid wash and brazing the leakage points , coolant , radiator fan motor assy with cooling fan , thermostat assy with gasket , labour charge , complete repair of brake system after replacement of the following spares , brake oil , brake shoe , front and rear oil seal , wheel cylinder assy front with nipple , wheel cylinder assy rear with nipple , labour charges , repair to electrical system with replacement of following , wiring complete with ignition switch assy , horn 12 volt high tone , wiper motor , wiper blade , head light , indicator lamp , battery lead , distill water , complete wheel balancing after replacement of the following unserviceable items , wheel bearing , wheel stud full threaded , wheel check nut , lock nut pin , grease , labour charge including tyre rotation
Tender For supply of job ba no 23b 138709y maruti dzire - servicing including opening and refixing after replacing items , replacement of fuel filter , replacement of air filter , replacement of oil filter , replacement of engine oil , replacement of coolent , replacement of brake oil , toping of stearing oil , replacement of wiper blade pad , replacement of head light bulb , replacement of horn , replacement of sparking plug set of 4 , repair of side view mirror , applying of synthetic enamel paint , opening and fitting of dicky mat , opening and fitting of star box cover front and rear , wheel balancing and alignment , repairing and servicing of brakes with repalcing front brake shoe complete , repairing and servicing of brakes with repalcing rear brake shoe complete , taking down fueltank and refixing after cleaning of tank , polishing of entire vehicle and spot painting , dry clean of the entire vehicle
Tender For supply of taking the vehicle at repair centre , engine mounting , engine mounting bearing , turbocharger overhauling , knuckle arm , taking down diesel tank cleaning thoroughly , fuel filter , oil filter , deisel engine oil 20w40 , taking down gear axle system , gear oil , gear oil seal , gear counter shaft , gear counter bearing , gear lever knob , propeller shaft , rear axle hub greasing , checking of clutch system , clutch bearing , clutch cylinder , master cylinder , brake booster , wheel cylinder , overhauling of brake system , both side mirrors , number plates and monograms , wiping blade set with motor assembly , taking down wheels , tyre rotations , wheel balancing and alignment , checking of electrical system , head light assembly