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Tender For supply of socket 1 inch 0.5 inch , tee 1 inch , socket 1 inch , pvc pipe 2 inch 20 ft long , pvc tee 2 inch , pvc elbow 2 inch , pvc socket 2 inch , pvc pipe 4 inch 20 ft long , pvc tee 4 inch , pvc elbow 4 inch , pvc socket 4 inch , paint roller 6 inch , paint brush 4 inch , paint brush 6 inch , paint brush 2 inch , og paint , red oxide , black paint , brown paint , cement base paint , obd white , putti filler , thinner , sand paper , primer , 10 sqmm 2 core aluminium service cable , 2.5 sqmm copper wire , switch socket 15 amp , change over 100 amp , 25 sqmm xlpe aluminium cable , 2 core cable 10 sq mm , angle cock 15 mm , binding wire , bib cock 15 mm , bib cock for wash basin , batten 1inch , ceiling light 2 ft x 2 ft , ceiling light round 6 inch , led bulb 9w , change over switch 32 amp 240v , curtain rod , curtain rod side stopper , curtain rod stand , distemper , distemper brush , door aluminium beading , door closure , door curtain rod , door glass rubber , door handle , door lock , door stopper large , door stopper small , door wire mesh , door wire mesh frame 6 ft 9 inch x 3 ft , gi elbow 15 mm , false ceiling 2 ft x 2 ft , flexible pipe 1.5 inch , float valve 15 mm , floor tile 1 ft x 1 ft , floor tile 2 ft x 2 ft , floor tile 2 ft x 2 ft cream colour , floor tiles 2 ft x 2 ft black , glass 8mm 3 ft x 2 ft , glass 8mm 3 ft x 3 ft , glass soap case stand , gyser 20 ltr , laip for screening , led light 100v , looking mirror , mcb 16 amp , mcb 32 amp , mcb 63 amp , mcb box , mixer , mixer for wash basin , nails 1 inch , paint blue , paint green , paint white , ply 12 mm 4 ft x 8 ft , ply 8 mm 4 ft x 8 ft , putty filler pati , socket 15 mm , switch socket 5 amp , swtich bd 5 amp , t 15 mm , tapping screw black , turpentine oil , terracotta red , towel stand 2 ft , tube light 4 ft , wastage pipe , window curtain complete set 4 ft x 4 ft , wire 1.5 sq mm , wire 2.5 sq mm , wood primer , wooden door 6 ft 9 inch x 3 ft , wooden for partition 1 inch x 2 inch , paint silver , barbed wire , lime stone
Tender For supply of mattress with cover , split ac 2 ton with wiring hot cold all season , wall fan with fitting wiring , partition with curtain color and fabric of curtain to be selected on ground , partition of room with wooden framing wallpaper and paint for roof wall paper design will be selected on ground , 1 and 2 floor paint , soundproofing vip i and ii , soundproofing room no 6 , floor tiling room no 13 , bed , wooden partition , false ceiling room no 13 including 06 lights wiring , floor tiling room no 10 , false ceiling room no 10 including 04 lights wiring , main door wooden
Tender For tender for supply of electric welding transformers set with accessories , gas cutting unit , oxygen welding set for gas welding with accessries , welding partition screen , work benches with bench vices (2 nos) , pedestal grinder , soldering iron , work benches & carpenter vice , circular saw grinder , wood cutting band saw vertical , bench grinder , drilling machine , wood turning lathe , band saw blade brazing unit , shearing machine , sheet bending machine/ bar folding machine , burring machine , hammers , hand shears and snippers
Tender For mow to internal plaster and painting of classroom and office wooden partition and door aluminium windows furniture at ground floor miscellaneous work at i.t.i. kurla, mumbai.
Tender For construction of new platform with granite, plumbering, door, making wood shelve, false ceiling, aluminium partition (cabin), painting works in department of chemistry, repair of toilet t-15 grta and various civil work in ceramic and mining department
Tender For providing making and placing in position woodenchair as per approved design/sample, the chair legs,support, bracket shall be consisting of first class teakwood with required size and section, seat frame of thechair shall be made up of 19mm+19mm thickcommercial ply of make duro/green or equivalent,seat and arm frame of chair made up with 11mm thickflexible ply as per required pattern, finally seat andarms shall be upholstered finished stitching withapproved shade fabric with help of required 12mm,25mm, 50mm thick pu foam of make sleepwell orequivalent, elastic niwar, casement, fibre pad etc.finally all the exposed wooden surface shall befinished with high gloss white polyester polyurethanewood coating of make sirca or equivalent, he costincluding all necessary fabric, nails, screws, fevicoletc. all complete as per direction of the engineer-incharge. , providing making and fixing in position ornametaldesign wooden tv cabinet of size approx:-2400x350x250mm ht. as per approved design, thecabinet top, bottom, partition, side, drawer head shallbe made up of 18mm thick hdhmr ply of actiontesa or equivalent make, side shall be in round shapewith 18mm hdhmr ply layers, drawer side , drawerback, drawer base shall be consisting of 12mm thickhdhmr ply, finally all the surface area shall be finishedwith high gloss white polyester polyurethane woodcoating of make sirca or equivalent, the cost includingall necessary quadro push channel 300mm, nails,screws, fevicol etc. all complete as per the direction ofthe engineer-in-charge. , providing making and fixing in position wooden tvpanel of size approx:- 4020x2440 mm as per approveddesign and drawing, the panel base, upper box, boxsides, shelve unit top. bottom, side, shelve fully shallbe made up of 19mm thick commercial ply of makeduro/green or equivalent and finished with 4mm thickost ply on outer exposed surface, drawer side, all theexposed edges shall be covered with 25x5mm woodenmargine, finally all the exposed area shall be finishedwith high gloss white polyester polyurethane woodcoating of sirca make or equivalent, the cost includingall necessary nails, screws, fevicol etc. all complete asper the direction of engineer in charge. , providing making and placing in position ornamentaldesign wooden dressing top unit cabinet of sizeapprox:- 1220x350x230 mm ht, having base of 2 nosside table of size approx:- 430x350x540mm ht, as perapproved design, the unit top, bottom, sides, middlepartition, drawer head and side table top, bottom, side,drawer head, skirting shall be made up of 18mm thickhdhmr ply of make action tesa or equivalent, alldrawer side, drawer back, drawer base, unit back shallbe made up with 12mm thick hdhmr ply, all theexposed visible surface shall be finished with highgloss white polyester polyurethane wood coating ofsirca make or equivalent, the cost including allnecessary quadro push channel 300mm, nails, screws,fevicol etc. all complete as per the direction of theengineer in charge , providing making and placing in position wooden bedside table as per approved design and size, the tabletop, bottom, inner frame shall be made up of 18mmthick hdhmr ply of make action tesa or equivalent, backpanel in round consisting of 12mm thick flexible ply,front drawer made up of 18mm thick hdhmr orequivalent or first class teak wood as per approval,drawer side, drawer back and drawer base shall bemade up of 12mm thick hdhmr ply, round back sideshall be finished upholstered with approve shade fabricwith help of 12mm thick pu foam of make sleepwellor equivalent, exposed wooden surface shall befinished the high gloss white polyester polyurethanewood coating of sirca or equivalent, the cost includingall necessary quadro channel 250mm, nails, screws,fevicol etc. all complete as per the direction of theengineer in charge ,
Tender For custom bid for services - otr case for habitability maintenancerepair works onboard ins shakti--degutting of crca paneling of wc's and shower areas in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom along with securing arrangement at 1 dk, 2 dk, 01 dk and 02 dk water leakage observed from bathroom to passageway. renewal of crca paneling forming partition between passageway and bathroom to be undertaken. (no. of bathrooms - 10 nos approx. area - 300sqmt) sqmt renewal of foundation and securing brackets of paneling in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom at 1dk, 2dk, 01 dk and 02 dk view heavily corroded/ damaged/ broken. (no of bathroom - 10 nos, mat-ms, thickness- 5mm) rmt 1. . fitment of securing arrangement of wc's in js bathroom and ss bathroom view securing arrangement damaged. (no of wc's - 20 nos) nos inspection window along with frames and locking mechanism of wc's in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom heavily corroded/ thinned/ broken at 1 dk, 2dk, 02 dk, inspection window and locking mechanism of doors to be repaired/ renewed as per existing dimension. qty - 20nos nos repair/ renewal of bath fittings (shower head assembly/ hand bar) in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom as per marine standard, view defective. qty - 40 nos, material- ss nos 2. undertake repair/ renewal of wash basin taps in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom as per marine standard, view defective. qty- 50 nos nos 3. undertake repair/ renewal of ceramic wash basin in officer's bathroom, view defective/ cracked/ damaged. qty- 20 nos nos doors and associated fittings 4. undertake fitment of nwt doors along with door coaming and frames at various locations as per existing dimension, view door deformed/ defective (nwt door will be provided by ss. qty- 30 nos) nos 5. repair/ renewal of hydraulic door closer of nwt door in main passageway, offices and officers cabin, view door closer not working/ defective. qty - 50 nos nos main alleyway and passageway 6. renewal of aluminum strip for securing of crca panel in main rmt page 36 of 74 alleyway at various location to be undertaken as per existing dimension. qty- 200 rmt 7. undertake repair/ renewal of hand rails along with bracket in main passageway at 2 dk, 1 dk, 01 dk, 02 dk, 03 dk,& 04 dk. material - ai, qty- 200 rmt rmt messes and office spaces 8. renewal of locking arrangement of lockers/ drawers in following spaces view broken/ damaged (including hinges and associated fittings). qty -400 nos :- (a) chart table drawer in bridge and flag bridge (b) mess lockers, elsa lockers and shoe locker in all messes (c) drawers of office spaced and stores (d) pharmacy compartment, sickbay and pmo office nos 9. undertake repair/ renewal of foundation and securing bracket of locker in messes, view corroded/ damaged. material - ms & ai. qty50 nos nos 10. undertaken repair/ renewal of securing arrangement of book shelves in messes, view defective. material - wood. spares to be proved by refitting s agency. qty - 80 nos. nos 11. undertake repair of ss wash basin along with drainage arrangement in machinery workshop, electrical workshop, mechanical workshop and hull workshop. qty- 12 nos. nos 12. undertake repair of metallic furniture/ cupboard (opening door fitted with glass) in pharmacy compartment size- (184x122 & 184x 78) cm. spares to be provided by refitting agency. qty- 02 nos nos galley and dining hall 13. repair/ renewal of wash basin drain line in jsdh, ssdh, ss scullery, js scullery, officer's pantry, co's pantry & admiral pantry view blocked. choked. qty - 20 nos nos 14. undertake repair/ renewal of panel along with securing bracket in ship's galley (at deck head and bulkhead), view defective. mat- ss, qty- 50 sqmt sqmt 15. undertake repair/ renewal of ss metallic locker along with locking mechanism in ship's galley. qty- 10 nos. spares to be provided by refitting agency. nos 16. repair/ renewal of water tap in ship's galley and officer's galley to