Tender For supply of stationery items - : full size -polo brand-apsara brand,natraj brand. a printed board (in cm) white colour size (381 mm x 570 mm) (+10 mm) border line & title block on drawing sheet as per engineering drawing. a standard. made of soft wood, hexagonal top manufacturer apsara/kohinoor/natraj/polo. a standard. made of soft wood, hexagonal top manufacturer apsara/kohinoor/natraj/polo. a standard. size. 210 mm 297 mm 200 pages, white paper with lining on both sides, cover page paper gsm 58-60. college name, mono & student name on cover page with block print. non-woven. size 210 mm 297 mm total pages 200 pages with lining, both sides gsm 58-60, college name, mono & student name on cover page with block print. non-woven. size- 210 mm 297 mm total pages 148 white paper including cover page, lined on one side, blank at the back of the page gsm-58-60, college name, mono & student name on cover page with block print. 12 length 30.48 cm 3.2 cm width grooved marking, 0.5mm ziplock, 200-300 pcs. size- 23 cm 32 cm, steel rod clamping facility, independent operation packed in cover imperial/omega/vast mango/plantar colour black with spring clip, size (258mm x 352mm). 1: thickness 0.4mm college name, mono and student name in block on cover, mp3, 16lt capacity, moser baer, ??sony, hp or sun disk company's mp3, 32lt capacity, moser baer, ??sony, hp or sun disc company's 800 cc. made of high tensile, steel sheet, chrome plated omega, large make mchhapmmt pchhajtndmchj thwg. 13 essential instrument chromium polya in box for engineering standard company like camel, omega etc. a400 cc. b.sbns.jwt. thg 991 in slide on hard case, 417 fcon natural tandem. with three years warranty, manufacturing head and batch number clearly engraved on it. . 24.9 cm, -24.9 cm, -35.1 cm. (45 45 90) , -17.4 cm, -34.5 cm, -29.8 cm. (60 30 90) with height curve (+.2): size is considered. 4 cm2 (500 mm2 < 500 cm2) 70 lakh, 210297 mm2 bsmandapam size
Tender For supply of lab items zoology gc reodar- el'plectella,, scyi'ha, hyalonema, spongllla, euspongia, metrldlum, aurelia,, alcyonium,, physalia,, corallium, gorgonia,, pennatula,, madrepora,, enterobius, dugesia, fasciola, taenia, schistosoma, dracunculus, ascaris (male and female), wucheraria, peripatus., nereis, heteronereis,, aphrodite,, arenicola,, chaetopterus, hirudin aria., onychophora :, limvlus,, aranea,, palajvfnaeus,, lepas,, balanus,, apus, sacculina, eupagurus,, carcinus, lepisma, pediculus, bombyx, apis, cimex,, julus,, scolopendra,, ixodes, mytilus., chiton., teredo., turbinella,, laviculus, limax, doris, aplysla, dentalium, nautilus, sepia, octopus, loligo, pecten, solen., pinctada, asterias, pentaceros., antedon., ophiothrjx., holothurla, hemichordata:, l.balanoglo us, 2.saccoglossus., urochordata- ciona, pyrosoma. doliolum salpa, cephalochordata- amphioxus, agnatha- petromyzon. ammocoete larva, pisces -echeneis., sphyr-na., torpedo., pristls., anabas., hippocampus., chjmaer-a.., anguilla,, protopterus, ampidbia, ichthyophts., axolotl larva, . salamander,, bufo., plpa., amphiuma, alytes, trionyx, calotes., varanus., phrynosoma,, heloderm . .<\,, vip era., typhlops, bungarus., hydrophis, eryx., aves-, p lttacula,, passer, bubo,, model of archaeopteryx, mammals, felis, erinaceous,, hystrlx crocedura,, manis, acinonyx juba tus,, equus caballus, mschus moschiferous., columba livia,, pteropus, dr.a,co,, exocoetus,, chamaeleon,, perlpetus, spinel' ant eater, permanent microscopic slides, protozoa, monocystis,, euglena,, noctiluca,, tr yp anosoma,, nyctotherus,, par.a,mecium,, vorticella,, blood smears showing malarial par."site., par."mecium: binary fission, conjugation, porifera, t.s. and l.s. of sycon., spicules,, spongin fffires and gemmules, coelenterata, lo belia (colony and medusa), planula, scyphistoma and ephyra larvae of aurelia,, t.s. of mesentry of metridium, pla tyhelmtnthes, mirl,cidium, sporocyst, redia and cercaria larvae of fasciola,, scolex of taenia, w.m. of mature and gravid proglottids of taenia,, hexacanth and cysticercus larvae of taenia., aschelmtnthes, t.s. of as carl (male and femlu.e), anneuda, t.s. of nereis through different regions,, parapodia of nereis and heteronereis., tro hophore larva., arthropoda:, v.s. of compound eye,, nauplllis, l oea,, megalopa larvae and mysis, mouth parts of insects, head and mouth parts of mosquioeto anapheles, head and mouth part of butterfly, t.s. of shell of la..mellidens,, glochidium larva, echinodermata, t.s.ofarm, tubefeet and pedicel la ria,, bipinnaria larva of starfish,, echlnopluteus larva., . hemichordata :tornerla larva., urochordata-, t.s. through phar ynx show1ng gonads, t.s. through caudal region., pisces, placoid,, cycloid and ctenoid scales, v.s. of skin, amphibia, v.s. of skin,, frog fertilized egg, frog unfertilized egg, frog t.s. of testis,, frog t.s. of kidney, frog-t. s. of liver, reptilia, v.s. of skin and t.s. of stomach., aves, t.s. of inte tine, t.s. of liver, t.s.ofovary, , filoplume w.m ., types of feet and cla ws in birds, mammals, i) t.s. of pancreas,, 2) t.s. of thyroid gland,, 3) l.s . of pltuitar y gland,, 4) t.s. of intestine,, 5) l.s . of kidney,, 6) t.s. of testis and ovary and v.s. of skin, t.s. of lung, embryological slides (individual), chi k embryo: w.m. is hours of incubation, chick embryo: w.m.24 hours of incubation, chick embryo: w.m 36 hours of incubation, chick embryo: w m.72 hours of incubation, chick embryo: w.m.96 hours of incura. tion, frog (disarticulated bones), rabbit bones, fowl bones, v aranus bones, alcohol - ethanol, eosin, xyelne, hemtoxylene, acetocarmin, carnoy's fluid, chloroform, glacial acetic acid, ferric chloride, nacl, sodium citrate, giemsa stain, methylene blue, distilled water, dpx, formaline, toluene,, starch, iodine solution, alcohol - stain- xylene- dpx series bottles, alcohol -st ain-xylene- dpx series stands, slide box, cover slips, alcohol lamps for slide prepara tion, petri dlsh- noj
Tender For corrigendum : supply of science labratory items for khps chikka ulligeri,khps hire ulligeri and khps inamhongal.-pkg-5 - human excretory system-lab, beakers borocilicate glass material 250ml (set of 2 ), ball and stick kit for carbon and its compounds ( ontains- 220 pieces. organic/chemical bonding / inorganic / stereo chemistry /coordination compounds models can.be made using colored atoms, flexible & rigid connectors for ex. alkane, alkene, alkyne, bent shapes, bidentate ligand), lab item - human digestive system, lab item - respiratory system of human , flower model, calcium oxide 500gm, male reprodcutive system model anatomical , female reproductive systenm model, human kidney model & anatomically, digital therometer standard size , thermometer 0 to 360, filter funnel standard size borocilicate glass, conical flask borocilicate glass material 100 ml, spirit 500 ml, test tube rack for 6 tubes of 15 ml , tripod stand standard size with wire gauge, lab item - spatula ss 5 inches long (set of 5), burette with stand and clamp standard size iron base with 3 ft rod bosh 3 clamps and bosh head (set of 1), dropper 20cm long (set of 10), testube 15 x 125mm borocilicate glass (set of 6), rubber cork standard size (set of 10), merthyl orange (100 ml), phenolphthalein solutlon (500 ml), potassium hydroxide (500 gm), plant cell standard size(material made of fiber glass), animal cell model standard slze (materlal made of fiber glass), methaline blue (125 ml), coverslip 22 x 22 (1 box 100 piece), plane slide 75mm x 25mnm (1 box 50 piece) , micoscope with 2 eyes pieces & 2 object depth 6cm (objectlve 10x and 40x) wlth 25 slides, bell jar with vaccum (8 inch hleght, 4 inch dimensions), prism made of transperent glass material stadnard size (30+30mm), lab item - glass slab 18mm (size 75 x 50 x 18 mm), concave & convex mirror 50mm & 15cm length (set of 2+2) , lens stand v shape edge wooden material (set of 6), rubber sucker, comapass standard size (3 inch daimeter), meter scale ss 60 cm, electro magnet-u shape iron with copper winding at both end, u shape magnet (standard size2 inch), bar magnet (3 inch)pair , lead nitrate (500 gm), iodine (500 ml), potassium permanganate (500gm)n10, sulphur powder (500 gm) labroratory reagent grade, filter paper standard size 100 leaves(12.5cmx100 pc), ph paper pkt of 200 leaves(6cmx1cm), litmus paper red & blue combo pack of 100 blue and 100 red litmus paper
Tender For supply of dental surgical consumables and chemicals - disposable needles 18 gauge 1 point 5 length , disposable needles 23 by 24 gauge 1 length , disposable needles 26 gauge 1 point 5 length , cotton bandage roll , bandage than absorbant gauge cloth , 5 percent w by v povidone iodine solution , 2 point 45 percent glutaraldehyde solution , absorbant cotton roll , disposable sterile sample culture bottle , desnet aldehyde and phenol free non corosive environment 1 lit , disposable non woven bedsheet blue , sterile disposable syringe with needle 10 ml syringe with 21 gauge , sterile disposable syringe with needle 2 ml syringe with 24 gauge 1 needle , sterile disposable syringe with needle 5 ml syringe with 24 gauge 1 needle , elastic zinc oxide self adhesive bandage , edta non vaccum blood collection tube 4ml , latex medical examination gloves powdered iso certified medium bar small , absorbent cotton gauze than , glucostrip-accu sure soul one box of 100 strips , glucostrip-codefree one box of 50 strips , non-woven disposable bouffant head cap with elastic band blue colour , non-woven disposable hiv pack for personal protection for hospital use sterile , hydrogen peroxide , inj diclofenac sodium ip , insulin syringe with fixed 30g bar 31g needle , local anaesthesia 2percentage lignocaine hydrochloride with adrenaline , microporous surgical adhesive tape , nitrile gloves for examination size medium powder free blue3 colour , normal saline sodium chloride inj ip , plain vacutainer non vaccum blood collection tube 4ml red colour , alcohol based hand sanitizer , chlorhexidin gluconate ip , disposable shoe cover non woven fabric blue colour elastic band for fit , silk suture 3 hypen 0 three bar 8 circle 16 mm 12pcs , silk suture 3 hypen 0 ns 5028 seam silk three bar 8 circle 26 mm 12 pcs , silk suture 4 hypern 0 one by two circle 16mm , silk suture 4 hypen 0 3 by 8 circle 16mm , silk suture 5 hypen 0 3by8 circle 16mm , 3 percent sodium hypochlorite for dental use , sodium hypochlorite 5 percent by 10percent , soframycin ointment 30g , 3ply surgical face mask , sterile surgical latex gloves 6.5 , sterile surgical latex gloves 7 , disposable non woven surgical gown , surgical spirit for hospital use , detachble bard parker surgical blade no 11 stailess steel , detachble bard parker surgical blade no 15 , toilet paper roll plai white 2ply , vaseline white softparaffin , polyglactin absorbable suture 3 point 0 90cm length , polyglactin absorbable suture 3 point 0 70 to 90 cm length , polygactin absorbable suture 4 poit 0 , lignocaine hydrochloride jelly , copper sulphate , coverslips 22mm 50mm point zero eight to point one three mm thickness , creatinine kit , crystal violete 125 ml , dextrose glucose , disposable high profile blade for microtome , disposable plastic tissue embedding ring , dpx mountant , ethanol , filter paper whatmen , formalin 5lt , fructose , glass slide 50psc , glass slides , god by pod sugar kit , gram iodine , hydrochloric acid , hydrochloric acid nby10 hcl , immersion oil , inoculating loop with holder , isopropyl alcohol , leishman stain , liquid ammonia , litmus paper blue , litmus paper red , maltose , may grunwald giemsa stain , methylene blue , molisch reagent , paraffin wax , protein estimation kit , saffranine , sodium carbonate , sodium nitroprusside , specimen jar with lid , sucrose , sulphur powder , sulphuric acid , test tubes 15 125mm , test tubes 15 150mm , uric acid kit , xylene , yellow tips