Tender For laying of cc platform for tanker filling station along with approach road at kothapet filling station under kothapet section, sub-division-ii, operation and maintenance divn-x
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep boreby dth rig and installation of i.m.ii handpump and construction of c.c. platform as perunicef design & drawing with soak pit atdiff. villages of netrang, valia and zagadia ofdist. bharuch under different programme.
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep bore by dth rig and installation of i.m.ii hand pump and construction of c.c. platform as per unicef design & drawing with soak pit at diff. villages of umarpada,mandavi,mangrol of dist. surat under different programme.
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep bore by dth rig and installation of i.m.ii hand pump and construction of c.c. platform as per unicef design & drawing with soak pit at diff. villages of taluka. valsad, pardi & vapi of dist. valsad
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep bore by dth rig andinstallation of i.m.ii hand pump and construction of c.c. platform as per unicef design &drawing with soak pit at diff. villages of taluka. umargam of dist. valsad
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep bore by dth rig andinstallation of i.m.ii hand pump and construction of c.c. platform as per unicef design &drawing with soak pit at diff. villages of taluka. dharampur & kaprada of dist. valsad
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep bore by dth rig andinstallation of i.m.ii hand pump and construction of c.c. platform as per unicef design &drawing with soak pit at diff. villages of tal.ahwa, waghai of dist.dang
Tender For drilling of 165 mm dia. x 90 mts. deep bore by dth rig and installation of i.m.ii hand pump and construction of c.c. platform as per unicef design & drawing with soak pit at diff. villages of taluka: mahuva,bardoli of dist. surat